Photography News

Wildlife photography often requires a great deal of patience, and one photographer who has mastered the art of waiting is Belgian wildlife photographer Michel d’Oultremont. Here’s an 11-... more

This shot from Dan's Gear of the Year writeup wasn't taken in November but it seemed apt for an overview article.

November is usually a fairly quiet time for the industry: all the cameras the manufacturers are hoping will sell around Christmas have been announced. Well,... more

In search of some tranquility on this last Friday before 2018? Well, Skyglow project collaborators Gavin Heffernan (of Sun Chaser Pictures) and Harun Mehmedinovic have just the video for you. They captured remarkable time-lapse footage of a cloud inversion in Arizona's Grand Canyon. This event occurs when an upper layer of warm air traps the... more

I recently shot the 2017 Christmas card photo for Stavanger Foto, the passionate camera store on the west coast of Norway. Being granted full creative freedom in making the card, I went back to the old masters for... more

A viral article published in 2014 claimed that the American Psychiatric Association had established a new mental disorder called "selfitis" -- that is, the obsessive taking of selfies. That article, though fake, inspired... more

Digital colorizations of historical photos have gotten quite a bit of attention in recent years. Retrographic is a... more

Image quality, weight and value for money. We have come to accept that most lenses are strong in only one or two of these three factors, which I personally focus on when researching lenses to buy. Sometimes though, we stumble upon a great lens design which is strong in all three.

One of the prime examples of such a design is the “nifty fifty” — the... more

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Adaptalux Studio, the miniature lighting studio launched on Kickstarter in 2015, is on the receiving end of some new special effect lighting attachments called the EFX Lighting Arms. The new lighting arms... more

In 2016, there were 762 murders in Chicago, the most by far anywhere in the United States — more than the total of New York and Los Angeles combined. This year there have already been over 600 homicides. I was born and raised in Canada, where there are fewer murders in the entire country than Chicago has in one year.

They are not the nameless; they are not a number They are the victims of violence, and all were killed in Chicagoland.

The bicycles of 5-year-old twins... more

Wanna pit your skills against tens of thousands of other photographers... for free? You'll soon have your chance. The 2018 Photo Contest by Shoot & Sharewhich bills itself as the worlds only free & fair photo contestwill start accepting entries on January 8th.

What sets this particular contest apart is the voting process. No hoity-toity group of judges sifting through your entries, the whole system is democratic.

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