Photography News

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PITTA, a modular ball-shaped 13MP camera that transforms into a drone, is currently blasting its way through a campaign on Kickstarter. The small, sphere-shaped modular camera launched on the... more

If you’re just getting started in studio portrait light, here’s a 12-minute video that may be helpful to you. Photographer Antti Karppinen shares 7 of the most common lighting mistakes done in studio... more

If you’re looking for a wacky idea for portrait photos, check out this 4.5-minute video by COOPH. It’s a collection of 8 wacky things you can do with things that you can... more

Adrian Cook is a wet plate collodion photographer based in Sydney, Australia. The Guardian made this 7-minute video in which Cook talks about his background and walks through the wet plate collodion process... more

The first week of a new year is an important time for every business, and DPReview is no different. As we reflect on the past year and define our goals for 2018, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself. Some of you might know me from occasional forum posts and commentsusually to explain a new site feature, or some new style of advert. My name is Scott Everett, and I'm DPReview's new General Manager and Publisher, replacing Simon Joinson, who stepped down in October.

At its... more

The Panasonic Lumix DC-G9 is the brand's highest-end stills-oriented camera, sitting beside the video-oriented Lumix DC-GH5 at the top of the product lineup. The GH-series has long held a positive reputation with pro-video shooters but Panasonic hasn't seen the likes of the GH5 resonate as well with the stills crowd. With the G9 Panasonic hopes to mimic the success the GH series has had in the video realm, and gain... more

The Sigma 16mm F1.4 DC DN Contemporary is an ultra-fast wide-angle prime for Sony APS-C mirrorless cameras. The lens features low-dispersion elements, a nine-blade aperture and weather-sealing, all for under $450.

We'll be posting a gallery from the Micro Four Thirds version of this lens in a few days.

$(document).ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_3437908770","galleryId":"3437908770","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":... more

On September 21st, 2017, a DJI Phantom 4 camera drone flying recreationally near Brooklyn, New York, collided with a US Army Black Hawk helicopter. The chopper received a 1.5-inch dent on one of its main rotor blades, but it was able to land safely.

The... more

Rock n Roll straps has launched The Hendrix Straps, a product line containing three handcrafted leather camera straps composed of between 52 and 64 individual leather pieces. The company bills its camera straps as ideal for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras, explaining that the leather is... more

How does the image quality of a top-of-the-line smartphone camera stack up against a top-of-the-line professional camera these days? Photographer Tyler Stalman decided to find out by pitting a Google Pixel 2... more
