Photography News

Here’s an 8-minute video in Adorama‘s “Spotlight” series that features music and sports photographer... more

The Rylo camera captures a 360 spherical image. Its companion mobile app makes it possible to export standard HD video from anywhere in the image.

Over the past couple of years I've tried quite a few consumer-oriented 360 cameras, and while I'm generally excited about the... more

A photographer has been banned by the UFC over offensive comments he made in an Instagram post against a female mixed martial arts fighter.

Mark Aragon, staff photographer for Jackson-Winkeljohn, covered... more

Photographer and YouTuber Manny Ortiz recently put together what he calls "the sexiest camera and lens combo" he has ever held: combining the DPReview Product of the Year Sony a7R III with Canon's beastly 200mm F2L IS USM. He wanted to see if this $5,700 lens could live up to its potential on Sony's latest mirrorless flagship, so he took it with him to a... more

It seems like every month there’s an earth-shattering new camera bag that can hold ridiculous amounts of gear in an absurd number of compartments. Fstoppers... more

Photo by Christopher Macsurak (cc-by-2.0)

Fashion industry photographer Terry Richardson is reportedly the subject of an ongoing NYPD investigation following multiple accusations of sexual assault. According... more

Fashion photographer Terry Richardson is under investigation by the New York Police Department’s Special Victims Squad over accusations of sexual assault made by models Richardson has worked with. The news comes two months after a number of leading fashion magazines banned Richardson over the numerous accusations that have been made over the years.

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The renowned New York photo-representation agency Stockland Martel has announced that it closed its doors on December 31st, 2017, after 34 years of repping some of the biggest names in the industry.

In... more

If you're both a photography fan and history buff, then you might want to check out a platform called The website/social network, which launched a couple of months ago, allows anyone to share interactive then-and-now imagesso-called "rephotography"that compare a modern version of a location or subject with an older image of the same spot. is the brainchild of retired computer science professor... more
