Photography News

In honor of International Dark Sky Week 2018which will run from April 15th to the 21sttimelapse filmmakers Gavin Heffernan and Harun Mehmedinovic decided to create an interesting composite. Using their ample post-... more

Photographer Luc Kordas first moved from Europe to New York City in 2014 after living in six different countries in six different years. Since then, he has made his living as a photographer while doing street photography... more

I really enjoyed reading the Photography: The Definitive Visual History and it got me thinking about blending older forms of photography with newer... more

Lightroom Classic has long had an “Auto” feature in the Develop module that will automatically set basic sliders for you based on the image at hand. But did you know that you can now “Auto” set individual sliders?

This simple but useful trick is discussed and demonstrated in the 44-second “Lightroom Coffee Break” tutorial above by Adobe. Benjamin Warde shares how the basic Auto system has been revamped in Lightroom Classic version 7.1 to more... more

“Crowded Fields” is a new eye-popping photo project by photographer Pelle Cass, who used Photoshop to combine hours of sporting events and hundrds of athletes into single composite photos.

The... more

Chinese electronics company Xiaomi is considering an offer to buy action-cam makers GoPro, according to a report in The Information. This news follows GoPro's January announcement that it would be... more

GoPro’s brand may be widely recognized, but its business has been struggling mightily as of late. But there’s now some news that may offer a glimmer of hope for investors: GoPro may soon become a Chinese-owned company.

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NASA has released a new eye-popping virtual tour of the moon in 4K resolution using imagery and data gathered by its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft since 2009.

The journey visits a number of notable features on the moon’s surface, selected to show the diversity of features found on the lunar terrain.

“Some are on the near side and are familiar to both professional and amateur observers on Earth, while others can only be seen clearly from space,... more

Cinema and video accessory makers Redrock Micro have teamed up with Disney/ABC Television Group and Disney Research to design and develop the DigiBoom, a handheld gimbal-stabilized camera boom.

The DigiBoom is targeted at solo operators and small production teams who want to add unusual angles and smoothly stabilized footage to news, sports, and event video productions. The DigiBoom lets you place the camera... more

Ever taken professional camera equipment on vacation and left with too many memories of setting up tripods or staring at screens? Well, I have. I’ve also traveled and taken no pictures at all – only to regret that as well.

In searching for the perfect travel camera, I considered two competing variables: burden vs. quality. For years I carried a Fuji GW690, a medium format rangefinder shooting 120mm film. And with a 6×9 frame, the results were very high... more
