Photography News

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When it was announced in 2016, the Rokinon AF 14mm F2.8 FE was among the first full-frame autofocus lenses for Sony's a7-series mirrorless cameras. We wanted to see how this affordable wideangle prime performs on Sony's latest a7R III, and we've put together a small gallery of samples.

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Files recorded using the Pixel Shift mode in the Sony a7R lll can now be opened in Lightroom Classic CC after the latest update released on April 8th, although you wouldn't know it by looking at the update's release notes. Marc Alhadeff of... more

The 2018 Pulitzer Prize winners have just been announced. Photographer Ryan Kelly of The Daily Progress in Charlottesville, Virginia, won the... more

On October 2017, rock climbers Brad Gobright and Jim Reynolds broke the record for speed climbing The Nose on El Capitan in Yosemite by making it to the top in 2 hours, 19 minutes, and... more

Photo by chuttersnap

Last week, the prestigious photojournalism contest World Press Photo announced its 2018 winning photos, and most of those winners included information about the gear used to capture their images. Taking advantage of this fact, Spanish photography website... more

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After releasing a set of weather-resistant Exposure messenger bags earlier this month, MindShift Gear is back with a new product: the... more

National Geographic contributing photographer Laurent Ballesta was diving in the waters of French Polynesia when he finally saw a sight that he had been working for the last four years to capture:... more

If you want to see an example of passion and talent rolled up into one photographer, look no further than landscape photographer Christopher Burkett.... more

Sony has just announced the Xperia XZ2 Premium, the company’s first smartphone to pack dual cameras. The camera system features ultra-high sensitivity,... more
