Photography News

Canon isnt only in the business of making DSLR, mirrorless and point-and-shoot cameras. Its also in the business of making the CMOS sensors inside those camerasarguably the most important component. And in order to showcase what its achieved with its latest lineup of CMOS sensors, Canon USA has created a little promotional video.

The video showcases a variety of sensors seen across Canon's product line, from the extreme low-light full-frame sensor it showed off... more

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If you're shooting digital, the largest image sensor you will find at your local camera store is the 53.4mm x 40.1mm medium format sensors inside something like the Phase One IQ3. But if that is just not enough for you... there is one, much larger option. Meet... more

Photographer David Slater’s legal nightmare surrounding that monkey selfie snapped in 2011 isn’t over. A US court has decided not to toss the copyright lawsuit filed against Slater by PETA on the monkey’s behalf, despite... more

Want to see some impressive camera drone piloting? Check out this 1.5-minute video featuring the Japanese group Onnanocos. It was shot in one single, continuous take using a tiny drone that can squeeze through tight gaps... more

20 years ago, photographer Marcos Furer decided to move away from his life as a newspaper and magazine journalist in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and to the slower lifestyle of the inner country. His personal work has... more

At the WPPI wedding and portrait photography conference and expo this year, photographer Trevor Dayley taught this 1-hour class titled “17 Fast, Easy, Awesome Lighting Recipes.” Dayley shares 17 lighting... more

Tokina announced the FiRIN 20mm F2 FE AFits second prime lens in the premium FiRIN lens lineup for mirrorless camerasback in February, and we got to see it in person at CP+. But it was only this month that they revealed when the lens would ship, and only earlier today that we finally know the price.

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Back in 1911, the Swedish film production company Svenska Biografteatern visited New York City during a trip to America and shot footage of various street scenes. The film has survived through the years in mint condition, and YouTuber... more

Say hello to the world’s first full-frame 8×10 large format single-shot digital camera. The Santa Clara, California-based startup company LargeSense has just launched the LS911, a camera that raises the bar for sensor sizes in digital photography.

The LargeSense LS911 features a single shot 9×11-inch monochrome CMOS sensor with a 75-micron pixel size, a high base sensitivity of ISO 2100, and a maximum sensitivity of ISO 6400.

“We tend to refer... more

Photo: David Slater

It's the copyright lawsuit that refuses to die. In September 2017, PETA finally settled its monkey selfie lawsuit with photographer David Slater, ending years of ... more
