Photography News

Behold the world’s fastest camera car. This modified $200,000 Lamborghini Huracn supercar features a gyro-stabilized camera rig on its frunk, allowing to keep up with the world’... more

Here’s a pro tip: if you’re looking for somewhere to place your camera for a while when outdoors, don’t leave it under the tires of a vehicle. This 12-second video shows the pain that can result if you do.

This tough lesson was learned this past weekend by San Francisco Bay Area photographer... more

Abbas, the Iranian photojournalist and Magnum photographer, died in Paris today at the age of 74.

His passing was announced by Magnum... more

Dual-camera equipped devices have really been taking off this year, and with the Mi 6X, Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi has just thrown its hat into the dual-cam ring as well. As has been the norm with virtually all recent device launches, Xiaomi is putting a lot of emphasis on the Mi 6X camera capabilities: claiming the new model competes with rivals such as the iPhone X or OPPO R15 in the... more

The latest major release of Adobe Camera Raw, Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Classic CC unveiled all new "Profiles" to the world, including six new Adobe Raw profiles, over 40 Creative Profiles, and the ability to create your own Profiles if you want to lock your personal style into a preset.

This video addresses the last of those options, showing you how to use Adobe Camera Raw... more

I fell in love with Japan. Deeply. The culture, the clean streets, the friendly and respectful people and the full spectrum of experience that it offers. From high rise cities to quaint, beautiful gardens and temples. All within walking distance of each other.

I took as many ‘tourist shots’ as I did professional street shots. Well, not quite, but the phone was full by the end of the trip! On that note, the camera on the Google Pixel 2 XL is outstanding. Photographers... more

A post shared by Nathan Garofalos (@nathangarofalos) on Apr 12, 2018 at 5:35pm PDT

If you like fast cars and expensive camera gear, look no further. What you see above is a Lamborghini Huracan with a $500,000 dollar camera gimbal attached to the fronta machine its creators have dubbed "the worlds fastest purpose-built camera car."

Created by... more

Instagram has publicly launched its new “Data Download” tool that lets users download a copy of all the photos and data they’ve uploaded to the service. The move comes at a time in which calls for “data portability” are increasing around the world.

TechCrunch first reported the feature’s development earlier... more

According to a report on the Japanese Nikkei website, electronics manufacturer Casioone of the pioneers in the digital camera segmentis exiting the digital compact camera market. The company generated a loss of 500 million Yen (approximately $4.6 million USD... more

Instagram announced plans to offer a data download tool a while ago, and today the Facebook-owned image sharing network delivered.

The driving force behind the project has been the requirement to comply with the EU General Data Protection... more
