Photography News

It looks like Fujifilm's software engineers have been working overtime the past few weeks. Today, the company has released firmware updates for three of its X-series cameras: the brand new X-H1, as well as the older X-E3 and X100F. In all cases, the new software addresses some user-reported bugs and improves camera performance.

Version 1.20 of the XE-3 firmware... more

Do you ever wonder just how 'Instagram-worthy' your latest photo is? If so, you might want to check out this chatbot. The team at BBC Tomorrows World have built a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to tell you just how much potential your photo has in terms of attracting likes and comments.

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A winner of the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year photo contest has been stripped of his award after it was discovered that the anteater seen in the photo is a stuffed animal that was... more

In February, Tamron announced development of a 28-75mm F2.8 Di III RXD lens for Sony full-frame mirrorless cameras. We got our hands on a prototype at CP+, and spoke... more

An modified version of this article was originally published February 20, 2018.

There's no getting around physics smartphone cameras, and therefore sensors, are tiny. And since we all (now) know that, generally speaking, it's the amount of light you capture that determines image quality, smartphones have a serious disadvantage to deal with:... more

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German brand Rollei has revived its iconic Rolleiflex twin lens reflex lineup with the new Rolleiflex Instant Kamera. This modelRollei's first TLR camera in decadesretains the brand's iconic look but adds... more

SOUNDCAM is a new camera that lets you take pictures of sound. It’s the first handheld camera that brings sound imaging to a size and cost that’s more accessible than industrial solutions that cost upwards of $100,000.

“The system is intuitive and as easy to use as a smartphone,” the company says. “What makes it so special is its high speed and accuracy.”

The camera works by combining 64 separate microphones, a traditional... more

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope was deployed on April 25, 1990, so this week marked the 28th anniversary of the telescope providing humankind with breathtaking photos of deep space. To celebrate, NASA released this 30-second video that zooms into the Milky Way’s central bulge to a new photo just released of the Lagoon Nebula over 4,000 light years away.

Here’s the new photo of the nebula, captured by Hubbles Wide Field Camera 3 in February of this year, which... more

The German brand Meyer-Optik Goerlitz has just announced the Nocturnus 75mm f/0.95, the world’s fastest 75mm lens. It’s designed for full-frame mirrorless cameras with... more

We know more about the surface of the moon and Mars combined than we do about our own ocean floor, according to NASA Ames scientist Ved Chirayath, which is why he is developing a camera that can remove the water from our seas to reveal 3D images of whats below the waves. Using a grant from Earth Science Technology Office, Chirayath is working on a project that uses both hardware and software to see and map the floors below great bodies of water as though the water isnt there at all.

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