Photography News

Photographer Toma Bonciu (AKA Photo Tom) made this 10-minute video with 9 composition tips and rules you can use to shoot more effective landscape photos.

The guidelines are... more

Having spent thousands of hours on Flickr over the past 15 years or so, on a personal level Ive become fairly invested in the site. To date Ive published over 140,000 of my photographs there. I... more

We're very pleased to announce that Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake of The Camera Store TV are coming to DPReview! Over the past eight years, Chris and Jordan have grown The Camera Store TV into one of the best general interest photography channels on YouTube, with a mixture of entertaining and educational content that covers everything from the latest cameras to how not to carry... more

It's official we've joined forces with Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake, formerly of The Camera Store TV, to bring you an all-new video series. To kick off the series, they take an in-depth look at the Sony a7 III. Take a look as they put the camera to work in the field from landscapes in the Canadian Rockies to some low-light portraits at a local pinball spot.

Read our in-depth a7 III review for even more... more

Conor McDonnell is a UK-based photographer who became a Nikon ambassador earlier this month at the age of 26. In 2014, at the age of 22, McDonnell was asked to photograph the wedding of Kanye West and Kim... more

If you have deep pockets and a deep love for rare cameras, check out this… ring. It’s a gold ring that’s actually an extremely rare Soviet-era spy camera used by the KGB.

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The winner of the Environment category of the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition has been disqualified after the competitions organizers discovered the anteater starring in his dramatic nighttime image is stuffed. According to the competition, photographer Marcio Cabralwho had won 1,250 and... more

Photographers commonly deal with photos being used without permission these days, but oftentimes infringements can be resolved in a friendly and agreeable way. Concert photographer Adrienne Row-Smith... more

Earlier this month, Adobe released an update that massively revamped its Camera Profiles, renaming the feature Profiles. In addition to... more

Polaroid cameras are fun to use, but shooting high numbers of instant photos can get very expensive very quickly. Tim Alex Jacobs, known as mitxela online, recently solved this problem by modifying a standard Polaroid camera... more
