Photography News

It’s always fascinatingwhen comparisons are made between modern day cities and their days gone by. In this split-screen comparison by The New Yorker, footage from the 1930s in New York has beenrecreated to... more

Aboard NASAs Aqua satellite, the MODIS captures imagery of the Earths water bodies. On May 29, it captured the data used to create this mesmerising image of phytoplankton blooming in the Black Sea.

The type... more

Sharing photos from a phone is easy as breathing these days, and we have Philippe Khan to thank for paving the way. In June 1997, he achieved a technological first that would be repeated countless times in the following decades: he shared a digital photo instantly.

It all came together just under the wire in the delivery room where his wife Sonia was in labor with their daughter, Sophie. He connected his Casio QV-10 camera to his laptop, and with a his flip phone rigged up to the... more

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Photographer Joshua Cripps was lucky enough to get hold of one of the company's new lenses recently, for a shoot in Patagonia. Joshua took the new... more

For her project titled “Nebula,” Spanish photographer Jacqueline Roberts shot portraits of youth in the limbo period between childhood and adolescence using the wet plate collodion process from... more

Ichikawa soft laboratory has included compatibility with the X3F Raw file format of the Sigma dp Quattro series of cameras in the latest version of its Silkypix software application. Developer Studio 8 allows owners of the dp 1, dp 2 and dp 3 Quattro cameras to process the Raw files produced by their unique Foveon sensors.

The version 8 of the application also adds a clarity slider tool for the first time, as well as an updated control slider for noise reduction. Those who like hard... more

Have you ever found yourself sitting and watching someone browsing through their travel snaps, flitting between endless folders on their computer? No one likes looking at someone else’s holiday snaps, but... more

Cant get enough of yourself? Heres a 10-minute video from Peter McKinnon in which he shows how to create clones of yourself in photos using Photoshop and in videos using Premiere Pro... more

Camtraptions has launched a new camera trap sensor that is designed for taking photographs of rare and nocturnal wildlife. The sensor can be deployed and left in place for weeks or even months at a time. It also allows for setup and triggering of flash guns or other light sources.

Camtraptions, founded by wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, has been creating sensors for... more

Want to place an off-camera flash where stands and assistants can’t go? Try mounting it to a drone. That’s what Chinese photographer Fuyan Liu does to light difficult portraits in extreme situations.

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