Photography News

This photo shoot just won the Internet… for how bad the Photoshop job was. Pam Dave Zaring got back her family photos from the professional photographer they hired, and she nearly died laughing... more

Travel photographer Bob Holmes recently put together this quick-tips video for Advancing Your Photography in which he shares nine useful photography tips; or, as Holmes puts it in the video, nine 'crutches' for when you feel like the muse has deserted you.

They're basic tips, but this is what Holmes... more

Fujifilm may have a quality control issue on their hands. Two reports have emerged this month of new Fujifilm lenses arriving with sizable dust specks, cracks, and excessive variations between copies.

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Gudsen has launched a new gimbal thats aimed at mirrorless photographers. With a payload of 3.9lbs/1.8kg, the new Moza AirCross can provide stabilization to a mirrorless body even when it's fitted with a cinema lens, and a new in-handle option can provide power to Sony and Panasonic cameras while they're shooting.

The Moza AirCross offers a more lightweight alternative to the Moza Airwhich is aimed at compact... more

Over the last few months, I have been in contact with Phase One to test their latest medium format camera, the IQ3 100MP Trichromatic. The standard 100MP backs from both Hasselblad and Phase One, already have incredible colors, due to being able to produce 16-bit raw files. Phase One, however, decided this wasnt enough and their latest sensor is a... more

Background Photo by Kathleen Clemons, courtesy of Lensbaby

Lensbaby has launched a 46mm macro filter kit that can be combined with several of the company's "bokeh effect" lenses, expanding their scope of application to close-up photography.

The filters screw onto the front of the lenses and the kit comes with three diopter options (+1,+2, and +4). The individual filters can be stacked for even higher levels of... more

The Internet is becoming a hectic and volatile place for photographers to share their work. Social media enables photos to be put in the hands of tens, thousands, and even millions in a matter of minutes. However, one small break in this sharing frenzy can lead to massive loss and frustration for the creators that dedicate themselves to doing their passion well.

My story begins with a simple tweet. On the night of Sunday January 7th, 2018, a Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from... more

Photo by Lilly Rum

Nikon Rumors has gotten wind of a very interesting bit of plausible speculationat this point, we're not comfortable calling it any more than that. According to the rumor site, the... more

If you’re a Canon shooter who has been waiting for Canon to get serious about mirrorless cameras, here’s some promising news: Canon has reportedly been asking its professionals what they’d like to see in a mirrorless camera.

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Want to improve your selection game in Photoshop? Here’s an 8-minute video fromPiXimperfectthat points out some “secret” sliders in Adobe Photoshop that will help... more
