Photography News

Photo by Mario Calvo

The 2018 Japan BCN camera rankings are in, and they show that (surprise, surprise) Canon is still veritably dominating the DSLR space with 61.1% marketshare, only a slight drop from its previous 63.3% share. More impressive is Canon's performance in the mirrorless category where Canon took the number 2... more

Want to get a good grasp of Photoshop’s Blend modes? Here’s an 8-minute crash course on the subject by thePhotoshop Training Channel. They may be one of the least... more

A UK reality TV star has rubbed the photography community the wrong way after it was revealed that he has been asking wedding photographers to shoot his upcoming wedding in exchange for social media exposure.

Jay Hutton, best known for starring in the British reality television series... more

Nikon has released the first firmware update for its 45.7 MP full-frame D850 DSLR. Firmware version 1.01 comes with fixes for the following issues:

  • Users exiting the Clean image sensor menu entry after adding it to and entering it via My Menu would be... more

Google’s Art & Culture app has been around since 2016, but the latest update harnesses machine-learning technology for an interesting purpose: it can now help you find your doppelgnger in... more

Jin-Woo Prensena is a Los Angeles-based fine art photographer who shoots gorgeous aerial photos from a top-down perspective. Instead of using a drone, as is popular these days, Prensena hangs out of helicopters... more

The word “selfie” exploded into the mainstream over the past 5 years, but self-portraits have obviously been around much, much longer. Sarah Burton of BuzzFeed recently... more

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Announced in September last year, the Fujifilm XF 80mm F2.8 Macro is the first X-series lens to give full 1:1 reproduction. It's a 122mm equivalent on Fuji's camera bodies, and provides weather and dust resistance. The lens is a tempting option for Fuji shooters looking for a portrait-friendly prime; see... more

Kodak announced at CES in January 2016 that it would be bringing back the famous Super 8 camera as a film camera with digital features. Now, two years later, Kodak has just released the first footage captured with the camera in the 1-minute video above.

The... more
