Photography News

The U.S. Navy has confirmed that it will eliminate a pair of combat camera (COMCAM) units. Confirmation was given by the Pentagon's Navy spokesperson Lt. Lauren Chatmas to the Navy Times, which reported last week about the Navy's plans to eliminate the units by October 1st.

The U.S. Navy has two COMCAM units, one called Expeditionary Combat Camera, the other called Fleet Combat Camera... more

Photo by Jakob Owens

The head of iPhone manufacturer Foxconn has said that the company is working with RED Digital Cinema to build top quality video cameras at a third of current prices. Speaking at a company party at the weekend, Chairman Terry Gou announced that the two companies are already in talks with the aim of producing cameras:

...that will shoot professional-quality films in 8K resolution but at only a third of... more

A New York Times photographer who has vocally protested White House Press Pool blackouts is now saying that photographers get more access to Trump than they did to Obama.

Photojournalist Doug Mills made headlines back in November 2017 by Tweeting a black “photo” to protest the lack of access provided to the White House... more

Getty Images has announced a licensing deal with Google that resolves a 2016 lawsuit filed by the photo agency against the Internet giant. The lawsuit accused Google of "promoting piracy" by linking to high-resolution copyrighted images without watermarks, enabling anyone to save and use the images without paying the related fee.

At the heart of the issue was Google Image Search, and how it directly links to high-resolution images found in articles and other online destinations.... more

A remarkable photo of a single atom trapped by electric fields has just been awarded the top prize in a well-known science photography competition. The photo is titled “Single Atom in an Ion Trap” and was shot by David Nadlinger of the University of Oxford.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in the UK... more

If you want to see a picture of Canon and Nikon’s continued dominance in the world of sports photography, just take a look at the massive camera arsenals each company brought to the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.

Canon and Nikon both have 60 tech reps from over 10 countries around the world on hand to provide photographers with assistance, including services such as cleaning, checking, and calibrating equipment,... more

Canon is set to unveil its first mirrorless camera capable of 4K video recording, according to a new report. The capability will be appearing in the soon-to-be-announced EOS M50.

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RawDigger and FastRawViewer have released the beta version of an application called DPRSplit, designed for Canon 5D Mark IV owners. With DPRSplit, photographers can input a CR2 file from a Canon 5D Mark IV and then extract a second image from it, one with an exposure value that is about one stop lower than the original CR2 image.

This utility works only if the camera's Dual Pixel Raw mode was enabled when the shots were taken.

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Smooth Trans Focus (STF) was invented by Minolta in the 1980s and became available in the Minolta 135mm f/2.8 STF in 1999. The special design of the lens with an Apodization (APD) filter allows for the smoothing of out-of-focus areas, or bokeh. The APD filter reduces the light transmitted through a lens, but the strength is gradually decreased toward the center of the filter.

To simplify the concept, an APD filter is like a gradual neutral density filter, except the... more

NASA has published a pair of record-breaking photos. These two images that show Kuiper belt objects in the outer Solar System were captured by the farthest-ever cameras from Earth.

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