Photography News

For the first time in its history, the most prestigious photojournalist prize in the world has unveiled the finalists of its Photo of the Year contest before selecting a winner. The 6 nominees were unveiled today by the... more

Directors from six US intelligence agencies, including the CIA, FBI, and NSA, have told the Senate Intelligence Committee that they wouldn't recommend Americans use Huawei services or products, according to CNBC.

FBI Director Chris Wray explained to the Committee:

We're deeply concerned about the risks of allowing any company or entity that is beholden... more

California-based company Skydio has announced the R1, a drone described as a "self-flying camera" that autonomously follows and records a subject. Unlike some competing models, R1 was built specifically for autonomous flight; it is able to fly itself at up to 25mph / 40kph while maneuvering around obstacles thanks in part to... more

Late last Wednesday night, I was browsing the B&H Photo website looking for a refurbished Nikon D810. I entered Nikon refurbished as my search term, then sorted the results by price from high-to-low so that the D810 would float to the top. Lo and behold, right above the D810 as the first result was a New Arrival... more

Zeiss has announced the new 25mm f/2.4 manual focus Loxia lens for Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras. It’s a compact lens that’s “particularly well-suited” for street and travel photographers who want high-quality images with an inconspicuous camera kit.

The lens communicates electronically with Sony cameras to transmit lens and focusing data, which aids in focus peaking and zooming. You’ll need to rely on these features, as Loxia lenses do not offer... more

The Zorki is a series of 35mm rangefinder cameras that were made in the Soviet Union from 1948 and 1978. Since they were originally designed to be cheap Leica clones, it’s not uncommon to find fake Leica cameras that are actually modified Zorkis. But one Russian camera collector recently found the opposite: his $15 Zorki turned out to be an $800 Leica.

Collector Vitalijs Kezens... more

The Finalists for World Press Photo of the Year 2018

Warning: This slideshow contains graphic and disturbing imagery that is not suitable for children, and may not be suitable for viewing in the workplace. Proceed with caution.

World Press Photo has changed its announcement process for the... more

LENSCAPT is a new “faster lens cap” that’s designed to never fall off your lens.It works by screwing onto the lens’ filter threads, allowing it to remain secure and safe. The lens cap then pops out... more

Tamron Japan has posted an intriguing teaser image on its Instagram account, just in time for an announcement at either WPPI or CP+ (probably the latter). The backlit image is all we have to go off of, but naturally, speculation is running rampant online... more

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The Zeiss Loxia manual focus lens family for Sony full-frame mirrorless cameras just gained a new member. Say hello to the Loxia 25mm F2.4, a wide-angle lens that boasts a compact design, the ability... more
