Photography News

Pau Buscat is a street photographer who has a knack for capturing playful moments in which subjects and scenes come together in curious ways for brief moments of time. Many of his pictures are illusions that may cause you... more

The Wacom Intuos pen tablet is one of the first major photo editing upgrades a beginner typically invests in, and today, Wacom launched what its calling a significant "get creative" upgrade to this popular lineup.

On the hardware side, the new and improved Small (152.0 x 95.0 mm | 6.0 x 3.7 in) and Medium (216.0 x 135.0 mm | 8.5 x 5.3 in) Wacom Intuos pen tablets boast Bluetooth connectivity (not all models),... more

The world’s first major photography exhibition was held back in 1839 when British scientist and photography pioneer William Henry Fox Talbot held a show to unveil his photo prints to the public. Fast forward nearly 180 years, and now an artist has created Talbot’s first photo show as an immersive virtual reality experience.

Artist... more

ShiftCam has announced ShiftCam 2.0, a new iPhone case that supports 12 different for the iPhone. The case is a follow-up to the original ShiftCam case, which supported 6 lenses.

The basic ShiftCam 2.0 system is a... more

Ilford recently released a popular 8-minute video on how to process black-and-white film yourself, and now the film company is back again with another helpful crash course on how to make a black-and-white print in a darkroom. If you’ve never worked in a darkroom before, this intro is a great way to see what it’s all about.

“There is... more

Last week was extremely cold in my country, the Netherlands. February 28th was the coldest 28th of February in history, breaking the record set in 1904. Its crazy to experience this kind of weather here while some of my friends in Norway and Iceland are having warmer weather.

Temperatures of around -10C (14F) at night and still below zero during the day combined with extreme winds that go on for days makes everything freeze up, especially the coastlines. Lots of canals... more

Hands-on with the Sony a7 III

Last week Sony introduced its newest mirrorless camera, the a7 III, at an event in Las Vegas. Sony is positioning the a7 III as the 'basic model' in its line of full frame cameras, alongside the a7R III ('ultimate resolution') and a9 ('ultimate performance') models.

However, Sony explains that 'basic' doesn't imply that the camera isn't full-featured... more

Irix Lens has announced the availability of its new Irix Edge ND32000 neutral density filter. This new model is a more powerful alternative to the company's ND 1000 filter, offering a whopping 4.5 optical... more

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Flash manufacturer Elinchrom has launched what it is calling "the worlds most powerful portable TTL light ever designed," the ELB 500 TTL. The new strobe was designed "for adventurous portrait... more
