Photography News

The best-selling camera with 8 buttons, in the western Tri-state area, last Tuesday between 11:47 and 11:49.

"We're #1 in full frame*," scream the press releases from the three big full frame camera makers. And, given the price and apparent appeal of the Sony a7 III, I wouldn't be surprised if there's more screaming once it hits the shelves.

The precise wording... more

Earlier this week, a wildfire burned through 335-acres of forest land near Flagstaff, Arizona, before it was brought under control and stopped by about 30 firefighters. The cause of the blaze? A drone that landed and “caught fire.”

The fact that a drone was involved in sparking the fire was repeatedly announced by the U.S. Forest Service on March 6th in its updates on the progress of stopping the wildfire.

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There are many reasons why people may like one brand of camera equipment versus another. And if you ask a room full of photographers which camera manufacturer they like the best, and why, you will often get a wide range of responses and opinions.

Often the reason for choosing a particular brand or camera is based subjectively upon ones own specific photographic needs. Other times the reasons may be purely objective.

But in this article I am going to cover the 5 main... more

A portrait photographer is receiving death threats this week after his photos began circulating online. Critics are accusing him of animal abuse over his use of live ducklings and bunnies in portrait photo shoots with babies and young children.

Photographer Mercer Harris of... more

Rumors about a first full frame mirrorless camera from Canon are continuing to heat up. The latest word is that Canon has already created at least one prototype of such a camera.

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In November 2013, I was fortunate enough to backpack through Southeast Asia with my partner. We visited some incredible places, met some of the nicest people and experienced many amazing moments along the way, but the place that is most memorable for me would be the quiet town of Hoi An, in Vietnam. It is located on the coast of the East Sea in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam.

The thing that convinced me to travel SE Asia was definitely the change of lifestyle from western... more

When you're a professional photographer your livelihood is intertwined with the health of your equipment. Like a portable hard drive, it's only be a matter of time until something fails in the field and has the potential to ruin your assignment, not to mention your relationship with a client.

Although its likely that your gear could be covered under your home or renter's... more

Have extremely deep pockets? You could be the owner of the New York City photo studio created by famous American photographer Eddie Adams.... more

A PetaPixel reader was browsing for photography gigs on craigslist in South Florida today when he came across this bizarre request: someone was looking to hire a photographer to provide an “unhappy experience.”

The listing was apparently posted by a concerned parent whose daughter has dreams of becoming a model. Not wanting their daughter to pursue this line of work, the parent decided that the best way would be to secretly arrange for a photographer to show the... more
