Photography News

Videographer Devin Graham of Devin Supertramp has published a new video in which he unboxes $221,000 worth of Leica Summilux-C lenses. "When deciding to purchase these lenses, it was a six month process," said Graham, who also explained while retrieving a lens box, "These are like a holy experience to me."

Graham chose the... more

A well-known insect photographer has filed a $2.7 million copyright infringement lawsuit against a pest-control company. He accuses the businesses of using his photos without permission on its website.

Alex Wild... more

The Chinese smartphone manufacturer Vivo is trying to beat Google at the HDR game. It has unveiled a new AI-powered feature called “Super HDR,” which claims to produce better high dynamic range photos... more

Its an undisputed fact; there are fewer women in the arena of nature photography than there are men. But why? Do men bring something special to the arena? Or is it simply a stereotype that this is a mans profession? There doesnt appear to be a clear reason for the disparity between the numbers of men and women in this profession.

Lets dig a little deeper. What are the necessary traits and skills that are actually required of a nature photographer? Imagine the following... more

Here’s a short video by Camera Creativ that demonstrates the high-speed continuous shooting of the new Sony a7 III, a full frame mirrorless camera that costs $2,... more

DPReview is hiring! We're looking for a Software Development Engineer to join our Seattle-based team. Bring your creativity, passion and talent to help us build the next generation of our web and mobile experiences. This role will help build shopping and comparison tools for photo gear as well as other special projects on the roadmap. Find all the details below.

Click here to find out more and to apply for... more

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If you're on a budget and looking to get into Fujifilm's X-series, the X-A5 is likely on your radar at $600 with a 15-45mm lens, it's the cheapest entry point to the system. The camera uses a 24MP sensor with a conventional Bayer filter and hybrid AF. It also boasts improved battery life over its... more

NVIDIA has unveiled a new AI algorithm called FastPhotoStyle that can transfer the style from any photo to another photo, producing impressive, photo-realistic results seemingly by magic.

The algorithm was developed by a team of scientists at NVIDIA and the University of California, Merced. It was published last month in a paper titled “... more

In January 2018, I had the opportunity to test a pre-production version of Laowa’s first lens in 2018, the... more
