Photography News

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We're continuing to shoot with and test the Lumix GX9, Panasonic's latest range-finder style Micro Four Thirds camera. Priced at $1000 with kit lens, the GX9 offers a 20MP sensor, 5-axis stabilization and promises a 90% reduction in shutter shock compared to its predecessor. It's been a little more than... more

DJI has teamed up with FLIR Systems to launch the Zenmuse XT2, its newest thermal camera for drones. As with the original XT model launched in 2015, the XT2 captures heat signatures to reveal things otherwise invisible to the naked eye. On-board FLIR MSX tech combines both the heat data and visual data from the... more

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Chinese accessory company NiSi has started taking preorders for its new Prosories P1 Smartphone Filter Kit, a camera filter system for smartphones. The P1 Kit includes a phone clip, medium graduated neutral density filter,... more

Google has announced that it is experimenting with light field technology to improve its virtual reality content. The company detailed the work in a recent blog post, explaining that it has modified a GoPro Odyssey Jump camera so that it features 16... more

The Chinese optical accessory company NiSi has launched a new line of smartphone optical accessories called Prosories. The new Prosories P1 is a kit that brings a number of square filters to the smartphone.

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Full HD resolution video comes out to about 2-megapixels per frame. 4K UHD-1 closer to 8.3MP. Even 8K UHD, which hasn't really hit the mainstream in any way yet, still only scratches the surface at about 33.2MP. Given all that, can you image capturing video at 120MP? Because Canon can, and has... sort of.

Canon's 120MXS sensorfirst introduced at CES in Januaryis a 120MP APS-H CMOS sensor that can capture "video" at 9.4fps. Of course, 9.4fps isn't strictly video, but that hasn't stopped... more

An amazing story of one camera’s incredible journey has emerged over in Asia. The Canon camera was lost at sea for over two years before it was recently discovered, and the owner has just been found thanks to the photos within.

A group of schoolchildren was working to clean up a beach in northern Taiwan on Monday when an 11-year-old boy discovered an object that was almost completely covered in barnacles.

It was a waterproof... more

Many photographers consider Moment lenses to be the best quality smartphone accessory lenses out there. Now the company returns to crowdfunding platform Kickstarter with a new product... more

Want to learn how to shoot tack-sharp landscape photos? Photographer Dave Morrow made this solid 27-minute guide that teaches his personal focusing strategy. He believes it’s the “most in-... more

Canon has just released this new 3-minute video showing the power of its 120-megapixel CMOS sensor, which it first announced in September 2015 and then showed off at an expo in May 2016.

The sensor is called the 120MXS, and it has an ultra-high-... more
