Photography News

David Silver is a San Francisco-based camera collector who began collecting vintage cameras as a young man, eventually amassing over 2,300 of them. He has since developed a focus and whittled his collection down to a little over 200 of them. Here’s a 5-minute video... more


If you are a photographer, painter, illustrator or other type of artist with a large number of followers on Instagram, there is now a new way of monetizing that following. The new 8x10 app lets you sell framed... more

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Panasonic has announced its Lumix DC-TS7 (FT7 outside of North America) which is the first waterproof/rugged compact to have an electronic viewfinder. The viewfinder is 0.2" in size and has an resolution equivalent to 1.17 million dots and a magnification of 0.45x equivalent. Obviously, you won't be able... more

Industry analysts IC Insights report that CMOS image sensor sales will be at an eighth straight record-high level this year, with worldwide revenues growing 10% to $13.7 billion. This comes after a 19% increase in 2017.

The growth is due to a spread of digital camera applications to vehicles, machine vision, human recognition and security systems, but demand is also driven by... more

As if camera drones haven’t gotten enough bad publicity lately thanks to reckless operators flying them near airports, at airplanes, and... more

Yesterday, affordable photography accessory maker Yongnuo unveiled a 60mm F2 macro lens, and they've also taken the wraps off a YN43 camera module, a clip-on camera for smartphones in the spirit of Sony's QX-cameras, the... more

Yesterday, affordable photography accessory maker Yongnuo unveiled a 60mm F2 macro lens, and they've also taken the wraps off a YN43 camera module, a clip-on camera for smartphones in the spirit of Sony's QX-cameras, the... more

In order to make your snapshots stand out above the rest by making them look professional, incorporating several creative elements can do just that. I am often asked by pet owners how to get the best shots of their furry companions with a basic camera.

If you are a doting pet owner, more than likely it is important to you to have meaningful images to share with your loved ones online, to have perfectly framed images within your home or at your workplace, and to even share with... more

Have a large Instagram following that loves your photography? 8×10 is a new app that was made to help you easily earn money by selling your fans framed limited-edition fine-art prints of your work. Sales are launched... more

ON1 Photo RAW is about to get better. The company has announced an upcoming 2018.5 update that’ll bring a “massive” performance boost as well as several new major features to the RAW processor.

In addition to an overall performance boost that should make the program more responsive as a whole, there are special optimizations for... more
