Photography News

Researchers with the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign and Intel have developed a deep neural network that brightens ultra-low light images without adding noise and other artifacts. The network was trained using 5,094 raw short-exposure low-light and long-exposure image pairsthe end result is a system that automatically brightens images at a much higher quality than traditional processing options.

The deep learning system was detailed in a newly published... more

A photography scandal has erupted leading up to this week’s royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Markle’s father is accused of staging a series of paparazzi photos that were sold for an estimated $130,000+.

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Xerox has called off its $6.1 billion mega-merger with Fujifilm after major shareholders revolted due to their belief that Xerox had been undervalued.

The two companies had originally struck a deal in January 2018 that would have merged Xerox into a joint venture between the two firms while giving Fujifilm majority ownership and control.

Investors Carl Icahn and Darwin... more

All of the camera manufacturers have been reporting their annual profits over the last month or two, and while we don't typically cover individual company financial results, Nikon's report stands out. That's because, despite a modest 4% drop in revenue, the company reported a whopping 776% increase in overall profit year-over-year.

The reportwhich compares the fiscal year ending March 31st 2018 with... more

Like most good stories, this one is made of blood, sweat, and tears. Well, maybe just blood and sweat. And clicks — lots of them. Blood, sweat, and clicks… If you have a fear of blood or find mosquitos disgusting, read on at your own risk.

As a macro photographer, I am always on the lookout for new spots to explore. One day in October 2017, I took a day off from my day job and went out with my macro gear to explore a new location in hopes of finding some tiny... more

Google Clips is now better at spotting people hugging and kissing in your life and then snapping stealthy photos of the moments. Google says it... more

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Hong Kong camera gear maker Yongnuo has released version II of its 'nifty fifty' Canon clone: the YN 50mm F1.8 II. The original YN 50mm F1.8 was one of the first lenses the budget brand ever released, undercutting Canon's already ultra-... more

We recently gave photographer Nate Luebbe a challenge to test his creativity under pressure: he was tasked with shooting 7 creative travel photos that capture the spirit of Norway within 24 hours... more

Yongnuo’s original 50mm f/1.8 lens was announced in 2014 and received quite a bit of attention for being a clone of the Canon “Nifty Fifty” 50mm f/1.8 II. Now the Yongnuo lens is getting its own Mark II followup: the Yongnuo 50mm f/1.8 II.

The new autofocus lens features an f/1.8 aperture that produces what the company... more

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Sony's 24-105mm F4 G OSS has been in the company's lineup since late 2017, and since then we've spent many-an-outing shooting with it for various camera reviews. While it may not look quite as exciting as the faster 24-70mm F2.8 G, there's a lot to like about it especially considering it's one of the... more
