Photography News

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is asking Congress to pass a law that would allow DHS to surveil, research, and destroy drones that are flying in US airspace.

A new bipartisan bill, S.2836, has been put forth to expand the DHS’ powers when it comes to dealing with drones that are considered “threats.” The bill is titled “Preventing Emerging Threats Act of 2018.”

And in... more

It wasnt one of the standout details featured on stage at Apples Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) earlier this week, but improved Raw photo support is coming to the next version of Apples mobile operating system, iOS 12.

Apple doesnt seem to have many details on what... more

Legendary American photojournalist David Douglas Duncan has died. One of the most influential photographers of the 20th century, Duncan was best known for his combat photographs captured during World War II and the Korean War.

David Douglas Duncan looking through camera fitted with prismatic lens, between 1963 and 1972. Photograph by Sheila Duncan. Courtesy Harry Ransom Center.Portrait of David Douglas Duncan by Nikon.

Duncan was born on January 23, 1916, in Kansas City, Missouri... more

The United States’ U-2 spy plane first to the skies back in 1955 during the heyday of film photography. But even as cameras these days have largely shifted to digital, the U-2 continues to shoot its spy photos on film. The... more

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The Sony RX100 VI is only a few days old, but we've already been out shooting with it quite a bit. Sony's RX100 series represents some of the most advanced technology we've ever seen in a compact camera, and the latest iteration makes an interesting shift to a longer lens range.... more

Between the 1940s and 1970s, a number of camera manufacturers designed lenses employing thoriated glass in one or more elements. Incorporating as much as 40%... more

In December of 2015, news broke that grabbed the attention of every photographer: the “Ansel Adams Job Opening” in the US Government. This is considered to be the dream job of just about every photographer. Four thousand applications were submitted, but only nineteen were qualified for the first round of interviews. However, only one could have... more

My name is Andy Hudson, and I’m the co-founder of Photographers Keeping it Real. We recently asked... more

Manfrotto has updated its travel tripod range with three new tripod models: the Befree Advanced Carbon Fiber ($319.99 USD), Befree GT ($239.99 USD), and Befree Live Carbon Fiber ($349.99 USD). The first... more

Wedding photographers are always looking to take creative, novel portraits and a quick, simple trick is often sitting right in their pocket. By using a phone screen as a reflective surface, it is possible to cover up unsightly elements, add intrigue, and make an image that much more interesting.

Heres how it works:

1. Start by holding your phone on a horizontal plane to the bottom edge of your lens.

2. As... more
