Photography News

Last updated: June 11, 2018

Whether you want a compact camera for a trip to the beach or ski resort - or maybe just something that the kids won't break - there are plenty of waterproof, rugged cameras available at a variety of price-points.

All of the cameras in our group are waterproof, freezeproof and dustproof, while a few are also crushproof. With the exception of the SeaLife DC2000, the cameras have zoom lenses in the 4X-5X range, while the DC2000 has a fixed, 31mm... more

Every photographer knows about APS-C sensors, but what about APS film? This week, Chris and Jordan take a stroll down memory lane and try out the original APS format, short for 'Advanced Photo System', a technology that promised to streamline the film workflow, but which ultimately lost out to digital technology. Tune in to see what made APS so interesting, and whether 15-year-old expired film is still up to the task.

Make sure to... more

The Difficulty of Shooting in Direct Sun

A lot of the times when youre shooting in direct sun, its very harsh on your subjects face. Many people try not to put themselves in this situation because of it. Sometimes you have no choice, or maybe you like the location a lot so you have to put up with the challenge.

Without any equipment, the sun can create harsh shadows and an unflattering look on your talent.

Find Shade

One solution is to find shade. Somewhere that will cover... more

Back in 2001, this music video made the rounds on the Web before “going viral” was even a thing. It’s for the hit song “Because I’m a Girl” by the Korean pop trio... more

Discussions of many photography topics have the potential to veer deep into complex technical territory that may appeal more to scientists than to artists, and color theory is certainly one of those topics that can become rather arcane quite easily. What follows is a guide for landscape photographers who are more artistically inclined, those who are primarily interested in applying color theory to achieve creative goals.

When I began to see the overall picture of what was... more

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It's not everyday you have the opportunity to shoot with a lens like the Hasselblad XCD 21mm F4. It's currently the widest lens in the company's medium-format lineup (and the widest lens on the roadmap, for that matter). It's also, as we discovered, incredibly sharp. You'll see plenty of detail in the... more

Over the last year or so, firmware updates from Sony introduced a much-publicized penchant for Sony Alphas to eat stars even in RAW files, apparently due to an internal noise reduction or anti-aliasing routine users could not turn off. Stars were smoothed away along with the noise in exposures longer than 3.2 seconds in some Sony cameras (and... more

In this video and article, I’ll share everything you need to know to start printing your photographs perfectly today! Whether youre using a lab or your own printer, Ive got some tips to help you out.

Printing your own pictures is a truly satisfying experience. It is the final step to creating an image and brings the work to life. I genuinely believe that photography is an art and when you print out a picture and hold it in your hand, it is difficult to argue that it is not... more

While some may think that award-winning photos are simply snapshots created at the right place and right time, there’s often a huge amount of time, effort, and dedication that goes into the process. For Mexican photographer... more

A man in Pennsylvania is under police investigation this week. His offense: being a stranger and taking pictures of a kid in a Starbucks.

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