Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Tourists all over the world are especially susceptible to robbery, but while a selfie stick with an expensive phone attached to it might make them stick out like a sore thumb, it could now be used to protect them. A Moscow-based martial arts school started offering self-defense classes combining traditional fighting methods with selfie sticks. [...]

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This GoPro footage is golden; just not the type of golden we often associate GoPro footage with. Its common knowledge that dogs enjoy marking their territory. Especially when foreign objects are left laying around in their domain. This was the unfortunate case of a GoPro that a kid was using to film his soccerabilities. As [...]

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I teach a six-week class at Oklahoma State University called “Preparing Online Instructors” which is designed to give faculty who have never taught internet-based classes, a solid foundation upon which they can build a successful online course. The class is delivered mostly online, and structured much like any other: it has quizzes, homework assignments, and required online discussions. One of the goals for my class is to put college instructorsin the role of a student, so they... more

I, like many others, am extremely active on social media. I check it first thing when I wake up and right before I fall asleep. I follow many people whose work I find inspiring and I constantly check hashtags in an effort to discover new people, new locations, and new perspectives. However, lately I have [...]

The post How Social Media Is Destroying Our National Parks appeared... more

Short, sweet and to the point. Thats the only way to describe Nikons latest announcement wherein they confirm they’re working on the Nikon D5, their next-generation professional camera body. Besides the confirmation of its name and full-frame format, details are scarce. No time-frame, pricing or other details were mentioned. But if Nikons recent lineup of [...]

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Barbie was first introduced to the world in 1959 by American toy manufacturer Mattel. Over the past five decades, shes gone through subtle changes, specifically in regards to facial structure and features. To take a look at just how much Barbie has changed, Tumblr user Tenaflyviper has created an incredibly thorough portrait compilation of Barbie [...]

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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) says the process of registering unmanned aerial vehicles, confirmed to be in development a month ago, will be simple enough for drone operators to probably do it on your own. This update comes alongside of an alarming trend ‘drone registration firms’ that are popping up left and right offering to [...]

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Five years ago, 3D was all the rage. Nowadays, its Virtual Reality (VR) thats getting all the love. Google, Microsoft, Samsung and Facebook are all getting in on the action with the development of virtual reality hardware Cardboard, Hololens, Gear VR and Oculus Rift, respectively. The future of VR is unarguably in the hands [...]

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One of the biggest hurdles in photography is the fact that our majestic three-dimensional scene is rendered into a mere two-dimensional image, and the physical depth that we experience in real life is lost. To resurrect this spacious feeling, we can create the illusion of depth where there is none, by using strong elements in the foreground.

When we make a photograph, our natural urge is to get a clear shot of the main subject, without other objects getting between it and the... more

If youve ever compared inkjet prints to more traditional analogue prints, youll know theres a different feel and aesthetic between the two. Specifically, traditional analogue prints tend to possess a certain type of quality thats driven by the usually-thicker stock and the way in which the pigments are embedded in the fibers of the paper. [...]

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