Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you are using LED panels, there is a good chance you are using them bare, or with a diffusion panel.If you need a bigger light source that the size of your panels, there are no pre-made solutions. If you are using a spot LED (like the 120T from aputure), you can use “regular” softboxes, [...]

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Different colors evoke different emotions and have a different feeling to them. Warm colors like red, orange and yellow feel alive and vibrant. Cool colors like purple, green and blue feel calming and relaxing.

Here is an image collection of various different photographers use of the color blue. View each and see how they make you feel. Do these blue images have a calming effect on you? I feel more relaxed just looking them.

I’ll start off with three of my images from the... more

This might sound like a click-baity title, but this is essentially what will happen if the current “Prototype regulations” go through. It’s difficult to know just where to begin when trying to describe how ludicrous some of these regulationsare. They would essentially outlaw almost every drone currently on the market. The European Aviation Safety Authorityalso [...]

The post... more

Well, do OWN your reflector or does your reflector own you? There is a very simple way to find out. Just fold it, toss it behind your back and catch it as it flaps open. I know it sounds easy, but try it. could be harder than you think. We are starting an OWN your [...]

The post Do you OWN your reflector? appeared first on DIY Photography.... more

Capture One is generally touted as the only real Lightroom alternative. Overall, many say that it produces better results, or at least better starting points, but does it really? An interesting article by Martin Evening in the current issue of Photoshop User Magazine suggests that the differences between the two are less than you might [...]

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For some, the image quality is going to take a distant second to ease of use and convenience. There’s no doubt that the new DJI Mavic Pro is super convenience. Fitting into a small bag, or a large pocket, it’s easy to take wherever you go.But, is that conveniencegoing to be enough? Is it going [...]

The post The DJI Mavic Pro footage looks like... more

What are stops? Are they the same as f-stops? How are they measured? Are they the same for different exposure controls? Are they still useful now?

These are common questions for those just starting out in photography. They are good questions, and the exposure concepts surrounding them can be confusing. You have probably been told that a stop is a “doubling of light,” which of course is true. That is helpful, but it doesn’t show how stops reallyworks and how they tie... more

Lens caps are probably the thing I used to lose the most often, until I quit bothering replacing them. If I have none to lose, then I can’t lose them, problem solved. Sometimes, though, having lens caps saves a lot of hassle.Lenses that I use oftenareregularly cleaned. But, for lenses that end up sitting on [...]

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Nothing says “I love my camera” more than a handmade wooden grip, and this grip byStefano Borghi says it perfectly. Stefano build this wooden grip to replace his Fuji Xpro-1 plastic grip. Of course, similar procedure can be implemented to create a wooden grip for the newer Xpro 2 as well, and probably the Xpro3 [...]

The post Spoil your camera: pimped wooden grip for Fuji... more

This tutorial brought to you by The New York Institute of Photography. NYIP is the largest and longest running online photography school in the world. Offering ten online photography classes to choose from, the school makes learning photography fun and accessible to aspiring artists on a global scale. Whether you are interested in a new career or are in pursuit of a hobby, NYIP students get the personal attention they need to achieve their goals. They... more
