Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Adobe’s new dehaze feature has created some buzz around the Interwebs and yielded some interesting results for photographers. In another layer to this suspenseful saga, photographerBimal Ramdoyal shared some of his own results with the new tool. Taking a photo from a blizzard, Bimal upped the dehaze slider to+90 in Photoshop to see what it [...]

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One of the primary reasons I built my mirrorless kit with Olympus gear, was their wide array of high quality lenses. From fast primes to convenient zooms, they have all of the important focal lengths covered. It wasn’t until I picked up the Olympus Zuiko 12-40mm f/2.8 however that... more

It seems like Taylor Swift has had a spot reserved for her in the headlines lately. First it was positive press for standing up to Apples music streaming service and defending artists rights, but then came along a concert photographer calling the singer a hypocrite for exploiting photographers that cover her concerts. Then came her [...]

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I read a couple statements today by photographers who will not show plus-size clients in their portfolio because they dont want to attract plus-size clients. And I have to give my two cents on this, because well, its what I do. As photographers, we meet people where they are. We photograph skin with all its [...]

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Following up on our previous post with initial information about the expected upgrade of Nikons 500mm and 600mm f/4 VR lenses, another source reveals more information on these rumored lenses. Making sure theres something for those on tighter budgets as well, there are also specs for a 16-80mm f/2.8-4 DX lens. It is said to [...]

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Kids these days often leave me scratching my head. However, in whatI would describe as making my entirescholasticcareer look like an extended daycare session, 17-year-oldAlex FischmancreatedLa Vieja Quinta. Fischman, a student at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Lima, Peru, created the short film for a high school project. Itis an impressive film for someone of [...]

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The history of the digital camera is much older than most would expect. With roots going way back into the dark days of the Cold War, a fascinating series of innovations have led to the creation of technology we take for granted in our everyday lives. For instance, did you know that the first cell [...]

The post From the Cold War: The Evolution of the Modern Digital Camera appeared first on... more

Tiina Trmnen, a Finnish landscape photographer, has travelled the vast wilderness of Arctic Lapland creating an awe-inspiring series of self portraits. Titled Wanderer, the series is Tiinas attempt to show how tiny we humans are in this world we live in and the universe around it. The isolated frozen landscapes and the stunning skies, showing [...]

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Reminder: now until July 7th (AUS EST) the Landscapes, Cityscapes & Photography Tricks eBook is on 50% off at Snapndeals.

When we talk about cityscape photography, one of the most basic and trademark shots is the full skyline; the artificial horizon, made of buildings and towers jutting up and down into the sky above. Skylines can be jagged and coarse, or faint and smooth... more

When the Nikon COOLPIX P900 was released earlier this year, it brought with is a number of convenient and exciting features, including built-in WiFi, GPS…and a lens the equivalent of 24-2000mm. No, that is not a typo. The 83x optical zoom lens can really reach out and touch. YouTube userNaturbeobachtungen von Lothar Lenzdecided to put [...]

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