Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Some people have no sense. Or too much courage. Or something. A video posted by the Singapore Reckless Drivers Community (apparently it’s a real problem over there) shows a photographer hanginghis body halfway out a car window while going down the highway. According to SRDC, the guy is a wedding photographer and was attempting to [...]

The post Wedding Photographer Risks Life... more

In a movereversing a 40-year ban that I didn’t even know existed, the White House has lifted its photography restrictions. For more than four decades, visitors to the White House have not been allowed to take photos during tours. With this new decision, you will be allowed to document your visit,selfie all over the place, [...]

The post White House Lifts Ban on Photography, But... more

What if a big company approached you with the following suggestion, how would you react? We love what you do and want to support you as part of our Stay True campaign. Is there anything youd like to do that youve never done before? when Ballantines approachedBenjamin Von Wongwith such a suggestion, he reacted by [...]

The post A Portrait Shot 30M Under Toxic Water With... more

As a beginner photographer, I was swaying around too much at times not knowing what was good and what was not. It took me several years, and countless hours, to really understand the right path and to focus my energy on the right techniques. If this sounds familiar to you, then here are seven incredible tips that will help relieve you of the dilemma a beginner faces in photography.

Note: These tips are in no way comprehensive but are definitely a good starting point

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For someof us it’s summer time, for mostof us it’s the middle of the year, for all of us it’s time for a huge dPS sale!

If you’ve been a Digital Photography School reader for a while, you probably already know about our huge end of year sale (prepareations are already under way for this year’s). But last year we ran a mid year sale too – and it was so popular with readers – it’s back!

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Once known for its compact discs and Walkmans, Sony has suffered losses from its consumer goods in recent years. These losses, along with the success of the division in charge of image sensors lead to a surprising move by the Japanese giant. Sony announced yesterday that it will raise 440 billion yen (nearly $4 billion) [...]

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If you are using hotshoe strobe, you are probably familiar with the Rosco Swatchbook. At roughly 7 US Dollars this wonderful swatch book let you gel your strobe to any possible color. If you are lucky, you can get one from your local cine or photography store, but even if not, it is still a [...]

The post How Rosco Makes Their Famous Swatchbooks appeared first on... more

Will public photography soon be impossiblein Europe? A new proposal being submitted in the European Union parliament may mean almost that. “Freedom of Panorama” is a a term we don’t hear frequently, but its importance is vital to the photography community. Inshort, Freedom of Panorama is a part of copyright law that gives individuals the [...]

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Finally, after being envious of the Japanese market for several months, what is perhaps one of the best innovations in mobile phone photography has arrived in the US. The Olympus Air is a powerful, interchangeable-lens camera that is controlled by your smartphone. It is a standalone camera that should not be confused with simple adapters [...]

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Food photography may be more popular now than ever before. The blogosphere is exploding with pictures of food, and social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram are flooding you with never-ending streams of food photos 24/7. Creating food images that stand out in this massive sea of content is a difficult task. Here are five tips to help you get your food photos noticed.

#1 Dont be afraid of shadows

Shadows make a scene look realistic, give your food texture, and create mood,... more
