Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The history of the digital camera is much older than most would expect. With roots going way back into the dark days of the Cold War, a fascinating series of innovations have led to the creation of technology we take for granted in our everyday lives. For instance, did you know that the first cell [...]

The post From the Cold War: The Evolution of the Modern Digital Camera appeared first on... more

Tiina Trmnen, a Finnish landscape photographer, has travelled the vast wilderness of Arctic Lapland creating an awe-inspiring series of self portraits. Titled Wanderer, the series is Tiinas attempt to show how tiny we humans are in this world we live in and the universe around it. The isolated frozen landscapes and the stunning skies, showing [...]

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Reminder: now until July 7th (AUS EST) the Landscapes, Cityscapes & Photography Tricks eBook is on 50% off at Snapndeals.

When we talk about cityscape photography, one of the most basic and trademark shots is the full skyline; the artificial horizon, made of buildings and towers jutting up and down into the sky above. Skylines can be jagged and coarse, or faint and smooth... more

When the Nikon COOLPIX P900 was released earlier this year, it brought with is a number of convenient and exciting features, including built-in WiFi, GPS…and a lens the equivalent of 24-2000mm. No, that is not a typo. The 83x optical zoom lens can really reach out and touch. YouTube userNaturbeobachtungen von Lothar Lenzdecided to put [...]

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Colorizing monochrome photographs is nothing new. In fact, photographers were hand-coloring photos as far back as the 1800s. But, one of my gripes has always beenhow artificial and “flat” the images always looked. Even with Photoshop, many people seem content to just slap a single color over an area and call their work done, but [...]

The post Watch As An Old, Damaged... more

Watermarks, love them or hate them, are a way of protecting your images. Although, just because you have one on your image doesn’t mean itwon’t be stolen. If you are like me, I do it as a deterrent.

There are many ways to watermark your images. In this articleI’m going to show you how to add a watermark to your imagesusingAdobe Lightroom and Photoshop CC.

Lightroom (6) CC

Lightroom makes watermarking your images very easy, there are a couple of ways of doing it.... more

Sometimes ranting about things works. On Friday, Jared Polin ofFroKnowsPhoto posted a rant in which he expressed his frustration with Live Nationabout their policy of not paying photographers for their work while retaining the rights to the images. After replying to a job ad looking for photographers to cover the opening of their newAscend Amphitheater, [...]

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Drones are a common and controversial topic, and drones themselves sometimes make people angry. Brett McBay, a California resident, is so passionate about drones that he instructed his son to shoot one down outside their Modesto, CA home with a shotgun. McBay alleges that he originally thought the drone was a CIA spycopter. However, it [...]

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Chances are you have a tourist attraction in your town. Each day people crowd around and line up to take photographs of it. If you think of the most photographed tourist spots in the United States, you probably come up with the Statue of Liberty, San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, or Grand Canyon.

Thousands of pictures a year are taken at these destinations, however despite all of the mundane images some people can still produce incredibly unique and breathtaking photographs of these... more

Model release forms are simply part of the photography industry, and while you may not be legally required to have one in all situations (depending on local laws), it never hurts to get a signed release from a subject. However, toting around a bunch of unsigned release forms in the event that you might need [...]

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