Photography Blogs & Tutorials

This photo is 100% flash, 0% ambient. But it almost looks like the reverse. And for this portrait of soprano Robin Steitz, a timeless available-light look was what we were going for.

But when you are working with flash (a single speedlight) and controlling your light (a scrounged "fill blanket" from the couch) you can keep the best of both worlds... more

Its true, we all make mistakes, thats what makes us human, right? Well yes, but there are some mistakes that can, and should be avoided, when it comes to photography. In this article we will be talking about automotive photography in specific. You could be shooting cars for years but if you dont fix your mistakes, how do you expect to get some great shots?

These are the 5 biggest mistakes that car photographers make when first starting out. Dont worry, I will tell you how to fix those... more

Retouching of images has become a widely-debated topic in recent years, especially in the context of advertising. But even traditional family photographers run into this issue at times. Some clients want to be made to look like supermodels, others prefer a more accurate representation, andsometimes photographers are left wondering which case a particular shoot may [...]

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We’re always seeing new and creative ways that parents are using to inform friends and loved ones of a new addition to the family. But, I don’t think anyone does it quite like Dirk Dallas. Dirk, a photographer and drone enthusiast with a flair for the dramatic (in only the best sense of the term), [...]

The post Photographer Crafts the Best Birth... more

Have you ever wondered how professional newborn photographers get their backdrops so smooth and wrinkle free? Are they Photoshop masters? Do they have a team of highly paid assistants pulling the fabric? No. The answer is a DIY backdrop stand that costs less than $20 and that you can make in less than 15 minutes.

When I first started in the world of newborn photography I used the tools that I had available. I would use a traditional background stand to hold the back of my fabric... more

Any of us who have ever done portrait or wedding photography know what it’s like to work with a fussy client/model/subject who has a tendency to think they are royalty. Granted, those cases are often few and far between, and it’s just par for the photography business course. But, what happens when your subject is [...]

The post Prince Philip Yells At... more

Men with beards have become commonplace in my area. Guys without them are almost more noticeable than those with a beard. Have a look at this bunch of images of bearded guys as an example.

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  Someone much more clever than myself once said, “When life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into a watergun and shoot everyone in the eyes.” Or, at least something along those lines. The point is, sometimes life deals you a rough hand, you just have to make the best of it. For Rafael Mantesso, [...]

The post Meet Jimmy Choo: The The World’s... more

We Americans are always looking for any excuse to blow things up, whether figuratively or literally. Once a year,though, we have a legitimate excuse to get explosive, and every Fourth of July the skies light up with “the rockets’ red glare.” Mitch Axness, asystem support specialist at North Dakota State University, describes photography as a [...]

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Shooting splashes is always great fun, even if its a simple image with a coffee cup and a falling piece of refined sugar. Plus, there is always so much room for experimentationin other words, for even more fun! When I made the Empty Cup image, many people asked me how I shot it. And I [...]

The post Defying Gravity: How to Shoot ‘Twisted’ Coffee Splashes appeared first... more
