Photography Blogs & Tutorials

NASA just released this sweet GIF of Pluto that uses photos taken between 1930 through 2015. The first photo (courtesy of Lowell Observatory Archives) was taken byClyde Tombaugh in 1930 when the planet was first discovered. NASA digitally zoomed in on the image for the GIF. The following images were all taken form NASA’sHubble Space [...]

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In the early 90s I was just a kid, and I remember watching a VHS tape about photography lighting with the great Dean Collins (link is external). I was truly amazed with the way things were arranged in the studio and how he placed the light. This was magic to me, and Dean Collins was the magician.

I watched it over and over, trying to find the little tricks behind everything he was doing. Since that day, every time I see a picture, I try to... more (link is external)

I recently came across this stunning image from Warsaw-based creative studio Ars Thanea and was mesmerized by the paradoxical elements. Roses, a symbol of love and beauty, smoldering and covered in ash…allstunningly captured. “We wanted to create something unreal,” says Peter Jaworowski, creative director and founding partner of the firm. ButPeter didn’t want to go [...]

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In an announcement made on the camera maker’s website, GoPro shared it’s latest venture content licensing portal. GoPro says the service is geared towards “high production value content” which they hope will alsoeliminate “the pain points creative professionals have when sourcing content by helping them clear copyrights and likeness rights”. FStoppers reports the new agency [...]

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When I started in photography more than 10 years ago, the only viable option for editing images was Adobe Photoshop. At that time, 100% of my photo editing was done there.

A few years later, Adobe introduced Lightroom and I embraced it right away for its speed and organizational features. I immediately adopted it into my photo processing workflow and it was the first big transition that drastically changed my processing.

The next big change in my processing happened when I... more (link is external)

I love checklists. I have tried to be more like my wife in being able to mentally keep a running tally of what needs done, but I continue to fail miserably. Thankfully, there are other people who also appreciate lists, and the folks at Story and Heart were kind enough to share one of theirs [...]

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Here is a fun concept to try if you are looking for creative ideas, playing with Black Light. This project fromJ.Dell Photography shows how creative you can get on a low budget, if you put your mind to it. The team used Black Lights from Home Depot (similar to these: small | big), which are [...]

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26 years old Malaysian photographer and daredevilKeow Wee Loong (previously) is known for his affection of taking photos from tall buildings, preferably such that can’t be access by the public. His latest endeavor involves two of the tallest buildings in Dubai,101 flights of stairs and couraging60 degrees centigrade during the climb. The photos are better [...]

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Sigma has recently announced another groundbreaking lens in their acclaimed Global Vision line of Art series lenses. This is the worlds first full frame zoom lens with an f/2 aperture. You heard that right. Prime lens speed, with the ability to change the focal length of the lens. Wow. Note: Be warned, some of the [...]

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About a month ago, the internet went flipped out when Jason Seldoncalled Taylor Swift out on her hypocritical and impossibly restrictive photo contract. This in turnspurred debates as more photographers and photo editors for the press began outing other similarly restrictiveness contracts from artists like the Foo Fighters. Once National Press Photography Association lawyer (and [...]

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