Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Whether you have a DSLR, a pocket camera, or simply use your mobile phone to take snapshots, there are some simple rules of photography etiquette that you can follow to make the shooting experience more enjoyable for you, as well as everyone else around you. Some of these tips might seem obvious, but even if you think you already know what to do, or not to do, when taking pictures it might be worth reading just as a refresher.

It’s easyto notice the speck of sawdust in your... more

Following the big bang that introduced capable and affordable digital cameras, the digital photography universe has been expanding at an astounding rate. So much amazing imagery is being produced, and equipment manufacturers are working tirelessly to develop, and improve upon, the products you use to create those images.

Despite the tendency of some photographersto not even consider third party brands, that market exists and is flourishing. It seems that there are more players in it... more

In these two video tutorials brought to us by ExpoImaging, NYC photographer Erik Valind shows two different tips:

#1 – How to create artificial sun with a speedlight

#2 – Creating soft light during midday harsh light

Gear and things mentioned in the videos:

We’ve had our share of both Animals and Humans taking drones out of the skies when they consider them a nuisance, but I think this is the first time that we’re seeing a drone being lassoed and pulled in. Tice Ledbetter was flying his Inspire 1over theSan Diego pier when he caught the attention of [...]

The post Annoyed Fisherman Casts and Hooks a Drone Flying... more

Last year saw the rise of epic wedding photos featuring bridal guests running away from dinosaurs, fighting zombies, be awesome Jedis and so on. A new trend was born and I decided to hop on this bandwagon and see if I could make images like these come true. I banded together with Aqua Libra Photography [...]

The post Crazy Wedding Photography with Dinosaurs, Meteor... more

Google Earth is an incredible program with many practical applications. For instance, I use it frequently for creating custom files for my handheld GPS and for mapping upcoming outdoor excursions. One of the most powerful features of Google Earth is its stunning satellite imagery which covers the four corners of the globe. This means that, [...]

The post These Are the Most Stunning Landscape... more

Smartphones are great, whether you’re grabbing quick snapshots of the kids smearing icing on themselves, making a low-budget film (they’re surprisingly good, actually), or immortalizing your visage in a selfie. But, without interchangeable lenses, one area where they lack is in focal control. Having this power over your technology is important for things like macro [...]

The post... more

Feet are an important part of our human body. They take us where we want to go. They hold us upright. They can be all different sizes and styles, decorated or plain, even covered in fur (think pets). But they are often overlooked in photographs or even cropped off.

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We’ve been sharing with yousome of theincredibleresults photographers are getting with Lightroom’s new dehaze feature. But,those who sprung for the Lightroom 6 proprietary version have been disappointed that Adobe left them out of theupdated feature. (Adobe, thou maladjusted schoolchild!) Fortunately, those without the Creative Cloud version of Lightroom can now rejoice! Thanks to the fine [...]

The post... more

This week for an image collection I bring to you – FEET!

What can you tell about the person, their life, and their emotions by looking at their feet? What do these feet tell you?

If the eyes are the windows to the soul – what do the feet tell us?

Tiny Feet by Lisa Holloway on 500px

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