Photography Blogs & Tutorials

For some reason, we do not see a lot of innovation with tripods, I mean, it’s three legs connected with a base, what is there to innovate about? Well a designer who goes by the nameProduct Tank just invented the cleveresttripod I’ve ever seen. You see, with most tripods, you have to spread the legs, [...]

The post This Tripod Can Be Opened, Closed And... more

Drones seem to be regularly under attack,sometimes from lawmakers, and often from disgruntled neighbors. But rarely do we see it under attack from the air. Let’s change that, shall we? Australian photographerAdam Lancaster was taking his DJI Phantom out for an aerial stroll through the bushes of Victoria when a winged guardian of the skies [...]

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A few days ago I was talking to my buddy Jim Goldstein and we reminisced about all the old discs that we used to have. Some of those will not even hold a jpg from a 2 MP camera. Assuming an raw image is 7-35MP nowadays, it is amazing that we used to carry tiny [...]

The post Can You Tell How Many Photos Can Each of These Hold? appeared first on... more

Why would you choose to create black and white photographs in the era of digital cameras that are capable of accurately capturing millions upon millions of colors? Black and white photography seems to be a constant in the history of the medium, with color technology only propagating itself into wide use around halfway between Nicphore Nipce’s first heliograph and today.

There’s a lot of debate on... more

While some think that smartphone will take over cameras almost completely, I disagree. I think ‘real’ cameras are here to stay. What I do think is that smartphones are making photography much more accessible to the masses. The saying ‘if you have a smartphone you are now a photographer’ is probably truer than ever. And [...]

The post A DIY Approach To... more

Street photography isa very popular genre right now, but it is nothing new. Award-winning photographerJoel Meyerowitz started his photography career in the early ’60s when photographers like Diane Arbus andLee Friedlander were roaming the sidewalks of urban communities. In a video byPhaidon Press, Joel shares some of the most fundamental elements of street photography. “What [...]

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On sale now at Snapndeals: August 11-25th get20% OFF Andrew’s ebooks – Mastering Lightroom Complete Collection: Lightroom 6 & CC Update.

With a little imagination and know-how you can use the Lightroom Print module to create amazing layouts, which in turn you can use to create prints, postcards or even business cards. Im going to give you a couple of... more

After yesterday's Pinhole Bonanza, I am proud to serve you the Battlefield Pinhole Camera DIY tutorial.

The battlefield is a revolutionary pinhole camera that simultaneously uses 3 rolls of 35mm film to capture an image split across all three rolls. Look at the image on the left for a clue on the name origin :)

This tut has lots of details and is somewhat technical, so we will jump between... more

RetoucherJulia Kuzmenko is somewhat of an authority in the glamour / beauty retouching scene, so it is quite interesting to follow her workflow and see how she approaches an edit. It is even more interesting when the retouch is a challenging mix ofskin, makeup andglitter. (Especially glitter, and red no less). Julia shares quite a [...]

The post Watch 3 Hours Of Beauty... more

Wedding photography can be a roller-coaster of ups and downs. Here’s one way to tell if you’re having a good day: Leave a brand new Nikon 20mm f/1.8 lens laying on the ground during the park photos. Have it found by a random passerby who proceeds to jump into her car, drive in the general [...]

The post Photography Karma – I’ll Trade You A Lens For A Kitten... more
