Photography Blogs & Tutorials

First, let’s assume that you are shooting with a digital camera and the choice of color or monochrome treatment can be made at the post-processing level. The decision of choosing color or black and white if you are shooting film is a different story, and requires a different frame of mind, as itis usually made before you leave the house.

So, the questions is this: Isstreet photography better in color or black and white? There is no right or wrong answer to this question, it is... more

And that’s just one of the difficulties professional photographer, Jimmy Chin tackles when he’s out on one of his typical adventures. Besides being a badass photographer, Chin is also an accomplished athlete and climber, so a little cliffhanging only adds to the fun. As much as Chin loves what he does, he says it can [...]

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It’s been my experience that I enjoy working withthings more when I create them myself. And, for the sake of argument, we’ll say you feel the same way, too. Which is why I can only imaging that you would enjoy photography that much more if you crafted your own gear. Instructables userbertwerthas been looking for [...]

The post Get Hauntingly-Beautiful... more

Who doesn’t love a good hack? Kai is here to share a handful of some of his favorite hacks as he shows you how easier ways to transport your tripod, create bokeh kits without having to cut tiny shapes out of paper, and support your camera without a tripod, along with a few other tricks. [...]

The post Quick And Easy Photography Hacks You Can Try For Free (... more

Terry Richardson is the most recognized and probably the most controversial photographer in the art world. Fromstripping down naked while shootingrisqu fashion work to publishing booksfilled with pictures of him receivingfellatio and having sex to collections of images of his feces, he’s a bit of a hotly-debated topic. And that’s not even mentioning the numerous [...]

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Black and white photography is classy and powerful. When properly done, it can be enticing and dramatic. In fact, a great portion of fine art photography hanging in galleries is monochromatic. In the age of film, all it took was to load black and white film into your camera, but nowadays most digital camera sensors are recording images in color and with that, if you want to explore the black and white world, youll have to convert your images in the post-processing stage.

When it... more

Earlier this year, we talked about how many restaurants are embracing social media as a means of free advertising. Some American restaurants even changed their menus, ingredients, and plating to cater to those Instagram loving, self proclaimed “foodies”. In Germany, however, it seems as though some chefs are a lot less keen on the idea [...]

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Okay all you makers and DIYers, here’s a little project fromJason Poel Smith, over at Make, that shows you how to build an automatic pan/tilt rig for your camera to help capture panoramic photographs.. The build is “made from three metal frames and three servo motors” and allows the rig to be mounted on your [...]

The post DIY Automatic Pan/Tilt Rig For Perfect... more

It can at times seem difficult to make our images unique, or at the very least more interesting. During our workflow we sometimes even discard photos because we feel they aren’t interesting, or that we have failed at an exposure or composition. What we often forget is that we can actually make our images stand out from the rest, and become less mundane, just by being slightly creative with our editing. Sometimes we can even go so far as to salvage an image that might otherwise have... more

It has been my experience in life that you learn the most from past mistakes, whether they be of your own doing or from someone else. (Unfortunately, sometimes I have to make the same mistake several times before I finally catch on and move forward.) The same goes in the creative world. Being able to [...]

The post Become a Better Filmmaker by Watching Bad Movies appeared first... more
