Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If there is one common thing that gets photographers fired up and excited, its the prospect of travel. Just like most other artists, you need your creative fire stoked and its hard to beat a walkabout to some exotic foreign land (or even a Cow Safari).

The new surroundings, different cultures, or new experiences are the perfect excuse to charge your batteries,... more

This week on PSUTV, Corey has a tip on using style blur. Pete shows an design trick on pinching pennies.

This Week's Sponsors:

Wacom | mpix | B&H Photo | Kelby Training | NAPP... more

Turning Day into Night using Color Lookup and easy-to-do moon in Photoshop.

As the theme for this month is on landscape photography, I thought I would share three fun ways to add features to your landscape images that already come embedded in Photoshop as presets. Lets take a look at the first one.

#1 The Rainbow

Open an image that you want to add the rainbow to.... more

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer took a break from the courtroom to promote his new book on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The book was only briefly mentioned but Colbert took the opportunity to gain insight regarding various court-related issues, including why cameras are still banned in the highest federal court in the United [...]

The post... more

The Nikon 20mm f/1.8 G was released back in the fall of 2014. I originally ordered this lens way back in the spring of 2015, but due to production delays at Nikon, I didn’t get my hands on one until just a few weeks ago – which ended up being a great deal on an [...]

The post Hands On Review – Nikon 20mm f/1.8 Lens appeared first on... more

I love it when clients RE-edit my images and then share them on Facebook. No, noby all meansyou go ahead and pose yourself. Come on, weatherI need a bright sunny day and NO shade! Im sorry you dont like your new hair cut in these pictures; thats totally my fault. Okay, clothing suggestions: you wear [...]

The post 23 Things You Will Never Hear a Professional... more

It’s hard not to appreciate the awesomeness of every photo inChris Burkard’s portfolio, and we have featured his work a couple times in the past–he was even kind enough to share these awesome night landscape photography tips with us last year. So, of course, we’re happy to see his success as a photographer reach new [...]

The post... more

Dating all the way back to 1975, theThe Baseball Photographer Trading Cards are not exactly new, but they are still really cool. Featuring the likes of famous photographers such as Ansel Adams, Aaron Siskind, Imogen Cunningham, and others, the collection of 135 trading carding is an amusing look atthe comradeship found among working photographers from [...]

The post... more

Have you ever tried to pose an elementary-age set of siblings, only to have one or more of them dissolve into a crying mess before you’re able to capture a single frame? When it comes to posing young siblings, I’ve discovered that things run more smoothly when I take a slightly more relaxed approach to posing, and I’ve compiled a few posing tips that will hopefully help you capture meaningful photos of young sibling groups a little more easily.

1. Get them close... more
Photos Jonny Armstrong

Jonny Armstrong is a photographer who is used to the idea of being stood up. In fact, in his field of work it happens most of the time. A research scientist, his work includes photographing lit portraits of wild animals in their natural habitats.Read... more
