Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Battelle recently announced the DroneDefender, an inexpensive, handheld, point-and-shoot system that will prevent the ever-growing number of drones out there from becoming security or safety threats. Using radio control frequency disruption technology, the DroneDefender can disable a potentially dangerous or hostile drone from a distance of up to 400 meters by making it believe it [...]

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Yesterday we reported that Mitakon/ZY Optics is developing the worlds fastest 135mm full frame lens, and today the company has revealed its specs and made the lens available for pre-order. Owning the longest f/1.4 full frame lens will come at a cost, $2,999 to be precise, but it will automatically become a collectible item with [...]

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This tutorial will show you how to use Photoshop’s layer styles and some simple textures to create an easy, detailed slime text effect.

Tutorial Assets
1- Double Feature font.
2- Ice Texture 4 by CageyResources.
3- Black Mamba... more

Reddit user“ZoidbergRage”took a simple hotshoe mount adapter (like this one), mounted his GoPro to his DLSR and shot a college football game. In the Reddit threaddedicated to this video,hedescribesthe lighting conditions as terrible: There were terrible lighting conditions so I shot in manual. It was dark clouds for 10 minutes then bright direct sunlight for [...]

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Here are 20 tips to help you take the best stock photos while traveling or around your hometown. Even if you don’t do stock photography, you can use these tips to help you get better images.

NEAR SKOGAR, ICELAND – JUN 19: Skogafoss waterfall on June 19, 2015, was in the film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty in 2013.

1. Check stock photo websites to see popular locations

In addition to doing some web searches for areas of interest, a great way to... more

The ability to see under the human skin is something that we are more used to finding insuperhero cartoons, sci-fi movies, or really expensive medical equipment. With the HyperCam, that might be about to change– and in a potentially affordable way. Our eyes have always been able to operate much better than our consumer camera [...]

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Have you ever seen the Sahara desert from space? Chances are you already have, but never as spectacularas in theamazing images Astronaut Scott Kelly has been posting to his Instagramand Twitter feedsdirectly from the International Space Station. Last Friday, October 16, 2015, Kelly broke the record for the longest cumulative timefor an American Astronaut living [...]

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One of Photoshop’s strengths is that amount of tools it packs. This is also one of its weaknesses in terms of work area clutter. Right now Photoshop lets you show or hide entire toolbars, but there is zero control over what each of the toolbars displays. If you are also a word or Excel geek [...]

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I recently found myself in the position of having to buy a new camera. It is an exciting time, but the new camera will take some getting used to.

Once you have put the battery in, the lens on, and inserted the memory card,it’s time to make your camera your own. Here are some steps to do so:

#1 Set your diopter

If your camera has a viewfinder, there will be a tiny dial near the eye piece. Thisis called the diopter and it affects how you see through the... more

Not many of us have 50TB of data that we want to back up. But the creative amongst us who shoot lots of footage or want to backup all their 50,000 RAWs from a timelapse project now have a fast and easy option to do so. Amazon’s new service is called Snowball and it is [...]

The post Amazon Now Lets You Backup 50 Terabytes of Data With a Sci-Fi Suitcase... more
