Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you feel that magazines show beauty standard that is hard to match up to, you are probably right, aside the massive photoshopping that sometimes goes into the image creation process, the models are being aided by flattering lighting and calculated poses. Both of which have tremendous impact on the look of the human body. Photographer Gracie [...]

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Understanding the science behind JPEG compression might not be on everyone’s agenda. In fact, it probably sounds incredibly boring, if not complicated to a lot of folks. But, in this 12-minute long clip, image analyst Mike Pound guides you through the entire process as he explains the magic of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)–using language that’s easy to [...]

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Editor’s Note: This is part a series on macro photography this week. Look for a new one each day. The next newsletter (link is external) will have them all if you miss any!

Here are 5 quick creative tips to help you with your macro photography:

1) Use Flash for Tiny Details

While a macro lens with a 1:1 (one to one) ratio is a terrific tool for close-up work, so... more (link is external)

When it comes to quick tip, it does not get any quicker than this. Instructable’s Paige Russell came up with this quick and clever short run dolly with a book for cart and corn starch for wheels or bearings. You would need a book as a cart which would act as a sliding surface. And a [...]

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In his commencement speech for NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, the Oscar winning actor shared some brutal truths with the graduating photographers, actors, filmmakers and other creatives. “Tisch graduates, you made it… and you’re f*cked,” said De Niro, comparing their unclear future to those who decided to study nursing, dentistry, business or law. “On [...]

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I hate digital noise. I’ve been a stickler about keeping it out of my images for years and have tried just about everything under the sun to aid in that process. So when Macphun offered to send over their new Noiseless Pro app I jumped at the opportunity (especially after seeing the promo video (link is external) for it).

Before we get started, let’s go over the basics of noise for those who are just dipping their toes in... more (link is external)

Rule number one: there are no rules. A ‘mistake’ may not necessarily be a mistake if it helps convey the message or story or feeling intended by the photographer. I can easily think of multiple examples that go against every scenario described below. That said, for the most part, I’ve found these ‘mistakes’ to hold [...]

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In this article you will see how to deal with fast moving objects. For me shooting action is the most fun you can have with your photography. You can freeze that instant split second that the human eye couldn’t even comprehend, and capture it in an image for all time.

1/6400, f/6.3. ISO 800

Last weekend I was lucky enough to shoot a bicycle charity event in the countryside. The sun was out, the birds were singing and there was enough cyclists, kids... more (link is external)

Editor’s Note: This is part a series on macro photography this week. Look for a new one each day. The next newsletter (link is external) will have them all if you miss any!

Macro photographers have a plethora of choices when it comes to selecting a camera with this feature. From DSLRs to even cell phones, the macro function is becoming a standard add-on to most... more (link is external)

Working as surf photographer that specializes in shooting some of the most frigid and icy waters on the planet is a mentally and physically demanding career. It’t the kind where you’re putting your life on the line on a regular basis and while it might be difficult and dangerous at times, it’s also incredibly alluring [...]

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