Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The record for the highest capacity MicroSD card was smashed and surprisingly the card was not revealed by SanDisk, but rather by a company called Microdia – located just a few stands away at the Computex tradeshow. The Microdia Xtra Elite will use version 4.0 of the Secure Digital standard, meaning it will have an [...]

The post Microdia Announce World’s First 512GB MicroSD... more

Ever since Canon’s 24mm f/1.4L II was announced in 2008, prime lovers have been looking forward to the replacement of the 35mm f/1.4L as well. The release of Sigma’s highly regarded 35mm f/1.4 ART lens has added further pressure on Canon, especially due to the estimated brutal loss of income incurred by its third-party competitor. [...]

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We are all familiar with video footage of personal drones crashing.  They’re old news.  Everyone has a drone and everyone crashes it.  The devastation is horrific.  End of story.  (See, I just saved you from watching another less-than-epic YouTube video.  I accept thank you’s in the form of hugs and chocolate.) But, what everyone doesn’t [...]

The post DJI... more

Von Wong is the photographer behind some of the most epic images created in recent years and even his most simple photos tend to have something rather magnificent about them. Obviously a lot of hard work goes into each photo, but what viewers don’t know is just how much planning, organizing, adjusting and adapting is [...]

The post Von Wong on the Importance of Problem... more

One of the best things about kids is also one of the most frustrating when it comes to photographing them; they are so full of life and energy they rarely sit still, which can lead to an abundance of blurry pictures and heavy sighs when you go back to review your images. Instead of smiling faces and cute outfits, you often end up with a memory card full of photos where their cute little faces are a mishmash of fuzzy pixels, and any details in their hair or clothes are hopelessly lost. This... more

Every aspiring photographer who is just starting out will sooner or later run into a quirky conundrum:  How do I get paying work without prior experience?  I’ve been there, many of you have been there…it’s a sticky situation.  And, unfortunately, many of us, at one time or another, have opted to work for free in order [...]

The post The Great... more

In 2013 my most popular article (by some distance) was the story of how my most successful image was plagiarised in a rather unusual way; a photographer had recreated the image from scratch. It seemed to me to be a bit of a grey area and I was unsure where I stood legally. The photographer [...]

The post A Guide to Plagiarism and Theft in Photography appeared first on... more

Estimating, along with cold-calling, is probably one of my most difficult tasks as a photographic businessperson. There are so many variables that can potentially come into play that it can be downright maddening. Add to that the fact that sometimes clients feel an estimate is a bit more fluid than is reality, and it can [...]

The post 8 Steps to Estimating – Questions to Ask Before... more

A while back I stumbled on the light painting work of Jan Leonardo Wöllert, and was immediately taken. By now, you probably know all about light painting, but if not, it is the art of using bright objects to “paint” imagery in total darkness. As light hits the sensor it ‘paints’ the final image. JanLeonardo [...]

The post The Incredible Light Painting Of... more

Andrew’s newest ebook Mastering Composition is now on special for a limited time only at Snapndeals.

Gestalt theory evolved in the 1920’s to explain some of the ways in which people perceive the world around them. The basic idea is that, when faced with a visually chaotic scene, the human mind simplifies it into more... more
