Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Google apparently is not the most politically-correct mind on the planet. As a recent incident with the Google Photos app illustrates, the artificial intelligence engine is still learning…and making giant mistakes along the way. Computer programmer and hobbyist photographer Jacky Alcinrecently tweeted, “Google Photos, y’all f@#ked up. My friend’s not a gorilla,” along with a [...]

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DIY is where we started, and we love to return to it whenever possible…especially for tutorials like this. Columbus, Ohio-based photographer Nick Fancherbelieves that you can “studio” anywhere, turning the most ordinary locations into quality pseudo-studios. In this video (after the jump), Nick shows us how he constructed a simple and portable v-flat lighting configuration [...]

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Paul Simon said it best in Kodachrome:

Kodachrome – give us the nice bright colors. Give us the greens of summers, makes you think all the world’s a sunny day.

For those of us old enough to remember and know what Kodachrome is – and the song – this is for you.

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Moving at 27,600 km/h the International Space Station orbits Earth every 90 minutes or so, making it relatively easy to spot the spacecraft. Dedicated websites and apps make visible passes incredibly easy to view, but seeing the ISS cross the moon is a whole nother story; let alone a full moon. In the case of [...]

The post Awesome Photo of the International Space... more

It’s day 3 in our Mid Year Sale and today we have the return of a deal that went absolutely bananas during our Christmas sale last year.

100 Lightroom* presents for just $10!

These normally go for $89, so this is your chance to save a whopping 88%.

Grab yours here before they’re gone.

Have you ever looked at a stunning... more

When you hear about human-shark interactions its usually about shark attacks or sharks swimming nearby people. Even when theres no sign of aggression whatsoever, the media rarely misses the opportunity to play on peoples fear of sharks and draw some attention. This video, captured by a paddleboarder with a GoPro, is rather unusual though. Not [...]

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First – to be clear – I’m talking about the process of using a smartphone camera for photography – not the pics, pix, snaps, shots or whatever it is smartphone togs, shooters or iphoneograperhers call photographs captured with a mobile phone camera. (Does anyone else really really hate the term “tog” or is it just [...]

The post Why Smartphone Photography Stinks... more

The Foo Fighters will be performing in Washington this weekend with a triple celebration: the 4th of July, a 20th anniversary and coming back to their home state. The Washington City Paper, however, will not send a photographer to cover the show has they had planned. The reason? A Taylor swift-like contract that according to [...]

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Outdoor photographers are repeatedly taught to plan their scenic photography excursions early in the morning or late in the day. These magic hours we’re told, is the only light worth shooting in. Yet, what about those situations when being on location at sunrise or sunset isn’t possible? You can pack up your bags and go home with an empty memory card, or make the most out of every opportunity. Allow me to let you in on a little secret not found in most photo magazines. Some of... more

Lyn Caudle is a fan of The War of the Worlds, so much so that the photographer and visual effects supervisor decided to recreate the massive carnage in his hometown of Dallas. Unfortunately, nothing was actually blown up or destroyed during the process. After creating lifelike replicas of the “Martian war machines”from both the 1953 [...]

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