Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Men with beards have become commonplace in my area. Guys without them are almost more noticeable than those with a beard. Have a look at this bunch of images of bearded guys (link is external) as an example.

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  Someone much more clever than myself once said, “When life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into a watergun and shoot everyone in the eyes.” Or, at least something along those lines. The point is, sometimes life deals you a rough hand, you just have to make the best of it. For Rafael Mantesso, [...]

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We Americans are always looking for any excuse to blow things up, whether figuratively or literally. Once a year,though, we have a legitimate excuse to get explosive, and every Fourth of July the skies light up with “the rockets’ red glare.” Mitch Axness, asystem support specialist at North Dakota State University, describes photography as a [...]

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Shooting splashes is always great fun, even if its a simple image with a coffee cup and a falling piece of refined sugar. Plus, there is always so much room for experimentationin other words, for even more fun! When I made the Empty Cup image, many people asked me how I shot it. And I [...]

The post Defying Gravity: How to Shoot ‘Twisted’ Coffee Splashes (link is external) appeared first... more (link is external)

Yes yes I know, There is another post about expanding a dress” (thanks for remembering), this is however, atotally different…kinda…mostly…it is, you guys. You see that post was about taking what isalreadya dress and showing how to makeit larger andmore glorious. The knowledge I’m going to attack you with today is about creatinga dress from [...]

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I don’t know if you’ve noticed this trend where you live, but here in my city it seems like every second guy has a beard. Not just a goatee but a full-on, full face beard.

So I thought I’d see if I could find a set of images that captures this current trend in society. I thought it was just Portland (Oregon) with its hipsters, but it seems that it’s spread.

kashmir by Mahmoud... (link is external)more (link is external)

If you’re a photography business owner, you know the feeling: Your phone rings, you drop everything and rush to grab your phone to take the call…”Hello, can I speak to the person in charge of finances…your website…purchasing…advertising?” At that moment, I would like nothing more than to reach through my phone and strangle the a$$hat [...]

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The Matrix wowed us with its special effects and sent filmmakers scurrying to replicate the iconic “bullet time” effect in their own scenes. And, as time has gone on, we have seen more and more “off-Hollywood” creators piecing together their own bullet time sequences, particularly for extreme sports. Shots like this require multiple (read: many) [...]

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The iPhone has come a long way since the first generation release in 2007. With more advanced sensors and optics and powerful apps, we have seen a huge uptick in quality work coming from the little devices over the last several years. Now, a feature film shot entirely on the iPhone 5S will be hitting [...]

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Have you been noticing little aches and pains lately, especially around your arms and back? If you do a decent amount of photography, your camera may be the culprit. While photography is largely seen as a hobby or art form, make no mistake about the fact that lugging gear around can be serious physical activity, especially as you accumulate more gear over time.

Consider this: a Canon 5D Mark III body only weighs 1.9 lbs (860 grams), and a Canon 70-200 f/2.8 telephoto lens weighs 3.28... more (link is external)
