Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Known for its tripods, tripod heads and other support equipment, Manfrottos newest products seem to be a natural next step for the company. The slider comes in two versions, 60cm and 100cm (2 and 3.3) long, and is aimed at experienced photographers and videographers. Other than being extremely smooth and accurate, the slider also promises [...]

The post Manfrotto introduces new sliders. Finally.... more

Among the thousands of boring GoPro videos uploaded to the internet each day, there are a select few that still offer what made these cameras so exciting in the first place – point-of-view angles and the ability to film where no camera could go before (at least not as easily, cheaply or safely). One of [...]

The post GoPro captures dozens of... more

One of my biggest quests as a photographer who travels is not the search for the perfect shot, but for the perfect camera bag. No doubt you have come across this problem as well. With every bag or backpack I’ve ever owned, the dividers that come with the bags never seem to fit the gear perfectly. They leave compartments that are either too small to hold the lenses I need them to, or so large that the lens I am keeping in that compartment has too much room to move. The result... more

Do you like Lightroom’s new import screen? That’s what I thought. It turns out that in addition to the import being over simplified for some and too complicated for others, it is the slowest (by far) from the competing photo management applications out there. How much slower?Jim Harmer ofimprove photography took Lightroom for a spin [...]

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If you have read my earlier articles about Lightroom you will already understand how it differs from Photoshop and how it uses a database to organize your photos as well as process them.

Lightroom has evolved into a powerful raw processor, and it is now possible to process most of your images in it. You only need to use other software (such as Photoshop or a plug-in) when you reach the limits of what Lightroom can do.

Raw processing takes place in the Lightroom Develop... more

If you see any visualization of the cosmos nowadays it is probably one of two: either computer generated effect or a stack of images from NASA public archive. Shanks FX took a different approach andcreated a bigger-than-8Kcosmos creation sequence with practical effects, which is movie lingo for in-camera. I absolutely love the idea of creating [...]

The post How... more

Have you ever considered how weird we look when we constantly stare at our smartphones (see, I did not say iPhone here) even at the most intimate of situations? Photographer Eric Pickersgill did, and the result is a strong series – Removed – showing how the connection between us and the world comes at the [...]

The post ‘Removed... more

So I rarely do composite type images preferring to do as much in camera as I can. However sometimes it can’t be helped. Do do hate spending forever trying to draw paths or make complex masks though, so whenever possible I like to utilise this quick and easy composite trick. It really is incredibly simple [...]

The post The quick 5 minute composite appeared first on... more

While the rumor mill on Canon’s new flagship is starting engines, the older lines are getting an upgrade. Canon announced today their newPowerShot G5 X, PowerShot G9 X and a new Mirrorles EOS M10 (preorder links). Just before hitting the specs and the announcement info, I have one thing to say: Canon, Get your mirrorless [...]

The post Canon Announces (un)New... more

Its no secret that photographers are often given a hard time by law enforcement officers, especially near sensitive buildings. Be it due to abuse of power or ignorance of the law, the presence of a photographer near a security-related building is bound to attract the attention of the local authorities, and aerial photography using drones [...]

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