Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you’ve been eying off one of our photography eBooks, courses or presets packs – this week you’re in luck because today we kick off our mid year sale where we’ll be offering you some amazing discounts on dPS products as well as some special offers from our partners.

If you’re subscribed to our newsletter (link is external) you’ll get notified of each of the deals as they come out but... more (link is external)

I have been a Digital Photography Schoolwriter (link is external) for the past threeyears and I have to say, I absolutely love writing and sharing my photography experiences and knowledge. Every time one of my articles get published, my Facebook page and my website get a lot of visitors. I know this is because I use google analytics for my website which tracks visitors on any given day and shows where they spend most of their time (I... more (link is external)

From time to time, camera manufacturers issue special edition models of their gear. But this Nikon D500 Rex Edition is the most unique so far. A German Shepherd named Rex munched on this camera, which was bought only a day before. As a result, theres one pretty unusual model of Nikon, to say the least. […]

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The goal for just about every photographer is to become respected for what they do. They want to be looked up to and admired. Sometimes that’s by their peers on social media for a little ego stroking. But much of it is more practical. They want their work respected and admired by potential clients. I […]

The post This is why you’re getting nowhere with your work (link is external) appeared first on... more (link is external)

Are protective lens filters a necessity or a nuisance? Every photographer has their answer to this question, with their own reason to use (or not to use) them. If you still didnt come up with your decision whether to use filters or not, Photographer Phil Steele could help you with this comprehensive, objective video. First […]

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Most people like photographing the new and the fresh a bright flower, a laughing child, a dawning day, the beginning of an era. Yet beginnings are but a small and rare part of the human experience. The persistent passage of time leaves us with ever growing piles of both literal and figurative garbage; maybe thats why we seek out the new, for a glimpse of something different.

Sometimes we have no choice but to dwell in the past. Why not take the chance to explore it? There is... more (link is external)

When man landed on the moon in 1969, it was a milestone in the history of humankind. Around 530 million people watched the Apollo 11 moon landing live. During the trip to the moon, while on the surface, and when heading home, many photographs were created. Made using modified Hasselblad 500EL cameras, those shots result […]

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In this article, Im going to be breaking down very tactical and easy steps to help youland more collaborations with influencers. If you follow this guide, using the framework and template that I’ve provided, you will find success. Editor’s Note: These tips aren’t just for Instagram, either. The same principles apply to collaborations on YouTube […]

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We are only three days away from the official announcement of Canon 6D Mark II. And over the past couple of weeks, there has been more and more information about it. After the first list of specs, the price and finally, the photos of the camera, there is now a quite detailed list of this […]

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Julie Dermansky, a New Orleans-based photojournalist, is suing Trump Organization for using her photo without permission. They used the photo on their website, as well as on the presidents Instagram page, where it gained almost 28,000 likes. Apparently, they didnt either request the photographers permission or gave her credits. So, she is seeking $150,000 damages […]

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