Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The beauty dish is an important piece of lighting gear for portrait and beauty shots. Joe Edelman will show you how to make a DIY beauty dish for less than $7 using a white umbrella. Since beauty dish reflects, and umbrella diffuses the light, maybe we cant really call this build a beauty dish. However, […]

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So youve bought your first drone and its time for some awesome aerial shots. But, before you take off, you should make the flight safe for you and the others, and of course, for the drone itself. In only 7 minutes, Darious Britt will tell you all you need to know and do before your […]

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Leica has officially announced TL2, a APS-C mirrorless camera with 24MP sensor. Its a small, yet durable and powerful camera, created from a single block of aluminum. It shoots 20fps with an electronic shutter, as well as UHD 4K video at 30fps. With the ISO 50,000, the camera has excellent low light capabilities as well. […]

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Although not all of us like math and numbers, we need to know some technical stuff in order to be as efficient as possible when taking photos and videos. One of such technical concepts is hyperfocal distance, and it makes a lot of people scratch their heads. John P. Hess of Filmmaker IQ talks about […]

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Many portrait photographers obsess about the clothes their subjects wear on a shoot. They’re often asked to avoid certain colours, or patterns, or given a colour scheme to try and follow. But what about the photographer’s clothes? And this isn’t a matter of how professional you look in front of your clients. It’s all about […]

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Dallas-based photographer Nikola Oli travels the world and captures the buildings in a way that will make you stop, look and scratch your head. His architectural shots look like optical illusions, yet they were all created without digital manipulation. He chooses unique angles for his shots, combining them with carefully composed shadows and reflections. As […]

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In the photography world, there is a lot of emphasison having a portfolio, but hardly any attention is ever given to the photography resume. So do you even need a photography resume at all? The question is largely debatable and boils down to the type of photography you are aiming to do. In this post, I’ll highlight some scenarios when you might need a photography resume (along with what to include in it), and when you do not likely need one.

When You Might Need a Photography Resume... more

Photographing and filming the police is an often touchy topic. Mostly due to a lack of education on the part of some police officers. These officers (and it is a tiny minority) seem unaware of the actual laws regarding it. Or, they outright lie and say it is illegal, sometimes to the point of allegedly […]

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The Nikon EN-EL15 battery has been used in most of Nikon’s mid-range cameras since the release of the D7000. It’s still used in many of today’s popular Nikon DSLRs including the D500, D610, D750 and D810. Now Nikon have issued a voluntary recall on the EN-EL15 battery. It’s due to a short circuit that may […]

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Two of the most commonly used and misunderstood phrases thrown around by photographers today are, “It’s all about the light” and “Look at that beautiful light”. But what does that actually mean? How can you use it to make beautiful portraits?

In my early years, I kept hearing photographers online and in person preach about the importance of light yet never clearly explain what good light is and how to actually use it to flatter or minimize a subject... more
