Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In this article I am going to show you how you can do amazing night photography with no tripod and not too much grain.

In this photo I was on the Academia Bridge in Venice, the place to be to catch the sunset. There were tons of photographers taking long exposure photos, so many that I couldnt squeeze in to put my tripod down. So I put my camera at f/4, went to 1/10th of a second and shot at ISO 1250.

These settings froze the boat and the water is still nice and smooth.... more

Sharing your photography to social media is a major hassle. Every social media platform has different image resolution requirements, aspect ratios, title and key-wording conventions, tags, character restrictions, api rules… While there is very little actual business value to participating in social media at all, there is some value to promoting your work online – […]... more
If you use Facebook, you may have come across a 360 image featuring a psych slasher murdering his victims shared by one of your friends. If you have, then there is a high possibility that you have already seen the work of Adam Martyn Ewings. Through the creation of these 360 images and a bucketload […]... more

It’s always good to go chasing that greener grass on the other side. Sure, you could stay home, but how much more fun it is to explore! There are obvious ways you can learn and grow by photographing locally, but equally, there are a lot of good reasons to throw off that comfort blanket and go for something new, new destinations.

To differing degrees we all have a drive and desire to see the unknown, below are the reasons this desire will enhance your photography. Take time to... more

Previously I rounded up 21 images of fireworks to get you intoa celebratory mood. Now it’s your turn!

By Norm Lanier

Weekly Photography Challenge – Fireworks

Your mission this week is to find a fireworks display and photograph it. If there isn’t one in your area perhaps start with a sparkler... more

For many photographers, shooting tethered is a way of life. For others, it’s something we only do occasionally when the need arises. The big problem all tethered shooters face, though, is the cable not falling out. Sometimes, with a long cable, it can fall out under its own weight. Sometimes it gets tugged, yanking it […]

The post Make your own DIY Jerk Stopper... more

My wife Sara and I used to have this running joke leading up to her birthday each year. Each year Id sayHoney! What would you like for your birthday? and she would replyId like a Hasselblad. Usually with a big smile on her face, in awink-wink-nudge-nudgekind of way. Then Id sayHa ha, no, seriously, what […]

The post A big dumb button appeared first on... more

When I started out, I always thought: If I could shoot in New York City, Tokyo, Paris or Amsterdam, my street photos would be much better… It turned out that it’s all about your imagination, creativity and patience. To be honest, I’ve captured my favorite street photos in the ugliest of all places. Sure, it’s […]

The post How to shoot 10 powerful... more

This weekend is a holiday celebration in both Canada and the USA. Yesterday was Canada’s 150 birthday and coming up is the US IndependenceDay. Both usually come with some pretty good fireworks displays.

Here are some images of fireworks to get you into the celebration mood:

By maf04

By Miroslav... more

Smartphones are fantastic tools for showing off our work, watching movies, or even playing games. Their “big” problem, though, is that their screens are rather small. This means if you want it bigger, you must connect it up to a TV or use a projector. Projectors for phones have been on the market now for […]

The post How to build the ultimate DIY smartphone projector... more
