Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Football club Atlanta Falcons has a brand new stadium. The designers say it was inspired by Roman Pantheon, but as photographers, we found something else more interesting. The stadiums retractable roof is inspired by camera aperture, and it opens and closes just like the aperture does. The new Mercedes Benz stadium was designed by HOK. […]

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So I’m going to start this Field Test back to front and for one reason only, the LoupeDeck system blew my socks off and if you’re a wedding photographer.. in fact, if you’re into any genre of photography, theLoupedeckis a game changer. I used it to edit a full wedding from start to finish, it […]

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In this article we’ll look at how to use and understand ISO on your digital camera better.

Do you use auto modes?

Are you the type of photographer who shoots in Manual mode? Or do you go to the other extreme and use one of your cameras fully automatic exposure modes, such as Program? If you... more

The Hartmann mask and Scheiner Disk are simple devices for making focusing a lens easier. They require that you target is a point of light, such as a star or distant planet, therefore are no good for day-to-day use. A Scheiner Disk is a mask with two holes, whereas a Hartman mask has many holes […]

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This week we will be looking at adding style to your natural light photographs. Recently I have shot against my usual style, which is off camera flash. The reason for this being I want to challenge myself to shoot in different circumstances and to gain more experience when not using flash. The image above was […]

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You know how a tiny, toy magnifying glass can burn little pieces of paper? Well, the camera lens is a not a small, toy, magnifying glass by no means, it is a powerful well-polished tool of optics and using it in the wrong way – say to photograph the sun during an eclipse – can […]

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Neutral density filter reduces the amount of light going into the lens, so you can take long exposures even when the light is bright.

Long exposures blur anything moving, like water, clouds, or people. This can be very useful for making choppy water look smooth, making clouds streak, or getting rid of people at a tourist attraction.

These types of filters usually cost up to $200 (especially on big diameter lenses), but with this simple hack,... more

For all photographers, August 19 is known as World Photography Day. Well, this calls for a celebration, right? On behalf of myself and DIYP team, I wish you a fantastic day and good light! And now, Im curious to know how are you gonna spend this day? Are you celebrating? Ill give you a […]

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A One Shot Film, is a movie shot in one long take, by a single camera. Or, it’s cut in such a way as to give the impression that it was. There have only been twenty movies ever shot in a single long take. And another seven that have been edited to look as if […]

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Earlier I rounded up 19 images that use the color red – you can see them here.

Weekly Photography Challenge – Red

By rich_f28

By Tony

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