Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Have you ever received a beautiful bunch of flowers and wondered howthey might look frozen solid? No? Well, me neither! Actually, up until recently, I was more interested in keeping flowers in a good old conventional vase. But photographers are a mighty creative bunch. Provided with some of nature’s most basic ingredients, we put our heads together and discovered an amazing way to create such wonderfully abstractphotographs of frozen flowers. Andwith such beautiful results, I wish I... more

Filters have largely gone the way of the dinosaur with digital photography. Lens filters, that is. The simple fact of the matter is that they’re just not needed now. We used to need a whole array of filters when we shot film. Solid colours to shift the contrast on black & white film. Variously coloured […]

The post This is why you absolutely need a polarising filter appeared... more

On June 24, a man flew a drone over a forest fire in Prescott, Arizona. This caused eight fire-combating aircrafts to land, due to the increased risk for the pilots and the firefighters. Right after the incident, the investigation took place, and the authorities have now published that theyve arrested the man. According to AZ […]

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I like experimenting with different setups, especially forwide angle close-ups. Last year, I took my wife’sSony A7for a couple of field trips and paired it with theVoigtlnder Super Wide-Heliar 15mm f/4.5with extension tubes for some wide angle macro photography, and the results were pretty cool! Compared to my usual DSLR setup, the lens was much […]

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Abstract: When complementary-gelled lights are falling on the same plane, they can easily rob each other of color. So it is important to make sure your lights are hitting different areas, with minimal overlap.

Above is a two-speedlight portrait against a white wall. White walls are the natural enemy of a gel, and practically... more

It’s easy to get excited about having a good camera you can take with you to various events and activities. Being able to record the event in images to print or share is exciting and sometimes a nice thing to do for the people holding the event. But do you follow good camera etiquette? And what does that even entail? Let’s have a look.

Low light situation with bright coloured stage lights made this shot difficult. I wanted to capture the colours of... more

Spanish duo Daniel Rueda and Anna Devis are creatives, explorers, architecture lovers, and photographers. They travel the world and capture what they see in a creative and incredibly pleasing set of images. They shoot interesting architecture, but act as subjects in these photos too. This adds a unique perspective and creates a story that makes […]

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The natural light entering our room changes quite dramatically throughout the day. The colour, contrast, overall tone and mood changes as our little planet spins about its axis.Creating artificial lighting setups to simulate those different times of day isn’t always that easy. But if you learn to recognise the characteristics of light, you can reverse […]

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If 2017 will be the year of the big comeback of film, Zorki Photo has made an announcement that supports this claim. They are launching their first film product, and it will be a 100 ISO black-and-white negative film. So, after the comeback of FILM Ferrania and Kodak Ektachrome, film photographers have another film to […]

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Although Ive (sadly) never owned a Nintendo Game Boy Camera, I love to see how artists, scientists or nineties kids play with it in the modern age. An astronomer AlexanderPietrow used this 1998 gadget for astrophotography, and ended up with 2bit images of the Moon and Jupiter. He shares the process and the photos with […]

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