Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When you start shooting video, there are plenty of things to learn, and one of the first things to master is definitely the frame rate. If youre just starting out, filmmaker Brandon Li has made one of the best video tutorials for all the newbies in video shooting. He explains how and why to choose […]

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Dropping $20K on a camera something that most high school students wouldn’t consider. Hell, dropping $20K on a camera isn’t something most adults would consider, either, for that matter. But budding young filmmaker, Thad Swift, wanted to make a solid commitment to his career. And what better way to do it than buying yourself a […]

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In todays world, where knowledge is available for free all over the Internet, is there still point spending one or two years in school and learn photography there? Also, are photography and lighting skills all the schools have to offer to make you a photographer? Jared Polin discusses all these questions in his latest video. […]

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Nobody could have imagined, 15 years ago when GoPro launched their first 35mm film camera, what they would today become. While there are many great action cameras out there, the GoPro still remains the most popular. But it’s not going to give you the best settings right out of the box. This video from Filmora […]

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A new zoom lens is coming from Nikon: its AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm F4.5-5.6E ED VR. Its designed for Nikon full-frame cameras, and video shooters will especially find it attractive because of the fast and quiet AF performance. This is the first FX Nikkor lens with a stepping motor, which makes the AF fast, smooth and […]

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Id like to share a particular technique I use to capture a “glowing subject” effect for headshots. You may be disappointed to hear that, by glow effect, I don’t mean your headshots will literally glow, like in the dark, because they most likely won’t. But that’s okay because this technique is actually better than that and who wants a headshot that literally glows anyway? To the point, when set up correctly, youll end up with a subtle, spotlight-like feel on your... more

The beauty dish is an important piece of lighting gear for portrait and beauty shots. Joe Edelman will show you how to make a DIY beauty dish for less than $7 using a white umbrella. Since beauty dish reflects, and umbrella diffuses the light, maybe we cant really call this build a beauty dish. However, […]

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So youve bought your first drone and its time for some awesome aerial shots. But, before you take off, you should make the flight safe for you and the others, and of course, for the drone itself. In only 7 minutes, Darious Britt will tell you all you need to know and do before your […]

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Leica has officially announced TL2, a APS-C mirrorless camera with 24MP sensor. Its a small, yet durable and powerful camera, created from a single block of aluminum. It shoots 20fps with an electronic shutter, as well as UHD 4K video at 30fps. With the ISO 50,000, the camera has excellent low light capabilities as well. […]

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Although not all of us like math and numbers, we need to know some technical stuff in order to be as efficient as possible when taking photos and videos. One of such technical concepts is hyperfocal distance, and it makes a lot of people scratch their heads. John P. Hess of Filmmaker IQ talks about […]

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