Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The worst part about taking photos of monuments and city streets is that you always get cars and people blocking the architecture behind them. It can be very distractive, and they take away from the real subject. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn a technique that will allow you to quickly remove people and cars from your photos. You do need to plan ahead and take multiple photos, but the results will be amazing!

Photoshop has this little-known feature that has been... more

I decided to write this, because the topic seems to be pretty popular these days. People ask “What camera?” and sadly, the answers are boiling down to “Get this one, because I use it and what’s good for me is definitely gonna be good for you”, which, I think we can agree, is bullshit. Disclaimer: […]

The post The noobies guide to choosing a medium... more

Now and again its good to go back and look through your old images. One of my most popular images is one called Warriors come out to play. My techniques and style have changed in the following years after this, but I always get people asking for a breakdown, so here it is. Here is […]

The post How I created a post apocalyptic female warrior appeared first on... more

Just over one year ago, Bowens along with Calumet were snapped up by investment company Aurelius. At that time, their press release waxed lyrical about the future of Calumet, but barely a mention for the Bowens brand. An insidesource has told DIYP that Bowens has now gone into liquidation. We’ve also had this confirmed by […]

The post Another... more

Take a look at these 19 bright and colorful images of green things.

By Ram Yoga

Weekly Photography Challenge – Green

This week your job is to seek out anything green and photograph it. Find somegood light, make a creative composition, and do your best for this week’s challenge.

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If youre feeling nostalgic about the single-use cameras, now you can bring that feeling back, but on your smartphone. Korean startup Screw Bar has developed an app that turns your iPhone into a disposable camera. First of all, it seems really fun to use. And second, it has surprisingly many features that will bring back […]

The post Gudak app turns your expensive iPhone into... more

You might have heard of Foldio collapsible light boxes. Or maybe you already own one. Although they are pretty handy and useful, their disadvantage is that many products can fit inside. So now, the OrangeMonkie team has developed Foldio3, a 25x25 collapsible portable light box. Once folded, it fits inside a laptop bag. And when […]

The post This foldable light box is... more

Normally, when we use the phrase “field test”, it’s not meantquite so literally. It just means putting the camera to work in its typical usage environment. Camera use is quite broad, though. In this video from musicphotographer Matt Higgs forWEX Photographic, though, the 6D Mark II is taken to task in a field at the […]

The post The Canon 6D... more

Summertime is here in many parts of the world. The grass is green, as are many things in nature.

Here are a few examples:

By Tatiana T

By Jackie Allen

By Tokkes

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Thanks to NASAs public media library, were able to see, download and edit the most amazing photos from space. And the latest photos of Jupiter by Juno spacecraft are groundbreaking andincredible. Jupiters Great Red Spot, the storm bigger the Earth, is now captured in the closest and the clearest photos ever. Juno captured them 5,600 […]

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