Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The season 7 of Game of Thrones is out, and many of us are hyped about it. There are different theories, stories and of course – memes everywhere. But a group of photographers and designers from Depositphotos made something creative to pay a tribute to the popular TV series. They used only stock photos from […]

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We’re constantly being told that “it’s not about the gear”, and to just go out and create with what we have. Typically by people with access to all the gear they could ever want. When Hollywood director Stephen Soderbergh recently held a Reddit AMA, he gave this exact same advice. So, it’s nice, then, to […]

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The Liquify Tool in Photoshop is one of its most controversial and misunderstood features. Many see it as a response whenclientasks “can you make me skinny?”, but it is so much more than that. While modifying the way people look is almost certainly its most common use, it also offers up some cool creative options. […]

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Let’s define what a bad habit is first; A habitual behavior considered to be detrimental to one’s wellbeing. However, this can be extended into learning a new skill set (like photography) where you may develop habits that can inhibit your learning progression, or even cause you physical injury.

Magnolia bud, not 100% sharp as I hadn’t taken my tripod with me

Before you can fix or adjust a bad habit, first you have to identify it. There is... more

Wildlife photography may seem like an attractive field of photography to you, but one of the most daunting things for beginners is how to actually go about finding the animals in the first place. Thanks to mankinds destructive nature were used to seeing fleeting glimpses of animals, often far away, prompting heated debates between groups as to what is that winged black speck in the distance.

Two female red grouse amongst the heather on a British moorland.

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Lightroom isn’t the first tool that usually springs to mind when it comes to creating videos. In fact, most people don’t know Lightroom even supportsvideo files. I certainly didn’t, but then I’ve never tried it. As it turns out, though, it does. And you can grade, cut and edit your footage all within Lightroom itself. […]

The post Did you know you can... more

As a location photographer, tourists are the bane of my existence on some days. You turn up to a gorgeous location with your subject, ready to shoot, and the place is packed. Or, you face the other problem, one I had recently on a photo shoot in Scotland. Aconstant trickle of tourists throughout the day. […]

The post How to erase tourists from your travel videos without VFX... more

In some restaurants, the food looks so good that it calls for a photo before you dig in. But London restaurant Dirty Bones took a step further in pleasing the Instagram foodies. They are offering Instagram kits to everyone who wants to take their food snapshots to a new level and make their followers mouths […]

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There has been a great hype about the new Canon 6D Mark II. Now that its officially released, the first dynamic range test results are coming in and they are not good. As it turns out, the 6D Mark II has less dynamic range than models like 5D Mark IV or 1D X Mark […]

The post Canon 6D Mark II dynamic range results are disappointing appeared first on... more

This blog is written for anyone who photographs weddings professionally or is thinking about doing so, but it is also beneficial for future newlyweds to truly understand the planning, thought processes, coordination, work, skill and endurance that we go through to get the images. I decided to write this blog post not to showcase the […]

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