Photography Blogs & Tutorials

An interesting teaserfromthe Adobe Blogspopped up on my news feed briefly last night,stating that Lightroom 2.0 for Android had now been released. Listing several cool new features, I thought this was worth a look, only to discoverthat the actual post on Adobe’s website did not exist, nor did any reference to it in the Adobe [...]

The post Adobe Leaks Themselves... more

One of my favorite things about photography is how it enables “time travel”. PhotographerFreddy Fabris (previously) took his models on a ride to 1900’s where he re-created a series of 1900’s sportsmen. Freddy sharesthat“The series was inspired bylate 1800‘s, early 1900‘s studio portrait photography, with their use of painted backdrops and simple props” that was [...]

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Otro animal inofensivo es vctima de los humanos, a este delfn del plata bebe, especie en peligro de extincin, lo sacaron del agua para sacarle fotos y tocarlo. Solo a personas con muy poca educacin o totalmente inepta se le necesita decir que el delfn es un animal marino y que necesita agua para vivir. [...]

The post Dolphin dies after beachgoers pass it around... more

Since they were introduced in 2006, GoPros around the world have been subjected to some strange and brutal challenges and environments. This one might just take the cake though. The guys behind Whats Inside teamed up with fellow YouTuber Shonduras to drop a GoPro HERO Session into a lava lamp that had its top cut [...]

The post Watch a GoPro get dipped into a lava lamp appeared first... more

Up for a quick shot of knowledge, with an order of motivation on the side?

Take a few minutes to watch this interview with photographer Alexis Cuarezma, a sports portrait specialist based in San Francisco and LA.

The short version? Be like water finding downhill. But the video is full of good tips, strong work and solid dose of BTS pics to satisfy your jones for lighting.... more

Get Viktor’s Lightroom Rapid Editing System for Travel Photography Course 50% off now at SnapnDeals for a limited time only – February 9th-23rd, 2016.

When I look back and analyze how my photography has changed over time, I see that the last couple of years were the most eventful in regards to the evolution of my photography. I see that rapid advances in... more

Stock footage and stills are used for more purposes than we can imagine, but they are often used in political campaign ads, even if the message they send is sometimes a little confused. In Marco Rubio’s case, it sends the message that his editing team aren’t very good at proofing the footage they license. In [...]

The post It’s Morning... more

You might remember that World Press Photo announced new guidelineslast year after controversy that saw around 20% of entries disqualified, but that doesn’t seem to have slowed down the entries. From a pool of82.951 photos made by 5,775 photographers from 128 different countries, the contenders for the59th annual World Press Photo Awards have been whittled [...]

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The perfect camera doesnt exist, but if I were a camera designer, I know exactly what sort of camera I would make for myself, and how Id improve on the one that Ive already got. Im not asking for the impossible either all these ideas could be implemented using current technology. Really, what I would do is take the camera I already own the Fujifilm X-T1 and add the best bits from other cameras, to... more

I’m sure almost everybodywould loveto have the opportunity to photograph the likes of Will Smith for a high profile magazine like Sports Illustrated. I know I sure would. For the vast majority of us that will almost certainly never happen, but award winning Director and Photographer Michael Grecco recently did exactly that. What’s the next [...]

The post Behind... more
