Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Festivals, fairs, and carnivals are a great visual opportunity for any travel photographerbecause they provide us with a glimpse into the local culture. I remember working in the Gion Matsuri festival in Japan. While one can say that Japan is super modern and hi-tech, the festival allowed me to see a different, more traditional side of the place – from the local food to the clothing.

Here are some tips that will allow you to make the best out of your next festive event

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Entaniya’s fisheye lenses for GoPro cameras have proven to be quite popular since they were initially released. They led to the creation of something Entaniya calls “One Shot VR“. This is essentially footage shot with a single 250 fisheye lens and then mapped into a VR sphere. It doesn’t contain the complete surroundings, but as [...]

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I have to admit, this announcement has surprised me a little. Named the Ektra, after its classic 1941 rangefinder, it seems to hold one major difference. Well, aside from the fact that one’s actually a camera, and the other’s a smartphone. The difference is that this one appearsto be Kodak in name only, being produced [...]

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Sigma recently made a big leapinto the world of the cinema by announcing 8 new cine lensesall at once.While mostare expected to be releasedthroughout the course of 2017, pricing and availability for the first two has now been announced.Those two lensesare the 18-35mm T2.0 and 50-100mm T2.0 lenses for APS-C sensor cameras. Designed for super [...]

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Lightroom gives you a million and one ways to complete most photo edits. Having options is important. No two photos are alike, so no two edits are alike either. In this article, I’ll show you how to correct skin tones using Lightroom’s color curves.

There are times when the best way to edit color in general, and skin tones in particular,is to use Lightrooms Color Curves. After reading this tutorial, youll be able to; measure RGB skin tone numbers to give you a general idea... more

Optical illusions using glass and water have always been popular with photography. Whether it’s reflectionsof objects on top of each other or the world seen through a water droplet, it’s a fascinating subject. So, it’s no wonder that so many photographers want to give it a try. One such photographer is Brazilian bornAlexandre Watanabe, also [...]

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Yesterday we showed you South of Home Photography’s beautiful photographsof the New Zealand winter night sky. If you’re just starting out with astrophotography, it can be difficult to know where to begin. How should you plan? Is your gear up to the challenge? Do you need specialist equipment? What settings should you use? Today we [...]

The post This guide to... more

There’s a whole lot onecan do with Photoshop these days to put your subjects into any environment wewish. But, for me, nothing beats the authenticity of shooting on location. It seems Ben Von Wong feels the same way. For his latest project he took his model, Tau, and crew out into the middle of Hawaiian [...]

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Robocop seems to have shrunk, and grown wings. Amazon’s research into drones is no secret. Well, at least, it’s not any more. So far, though, their public drone persona has been one of expedient delivery. Using drones to more efficiently deliver small packages. Now, it seems they’ve set their sights much higher, metaphorically speaking. In [...]

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Have you ever wondered how double exposures are done in digital cameras? I have. Back in film days, we knew that to double expose a frame, all you needed to do is rewind it back to the frame you have just exposed, thereby taking two separate shots using one frame of the film. Nowadays with digital SLRs, there is no film to re-expose and no rewind mechanism to go back to a previous photo so you can re-shoot on top of it. However, double exposure and multiple exposures can be done in post-... more
