Photography Blogs & Tutorials

For most of us, simply grabbing a quick snap or our plane at the gate, or perhaps the wing through the window by our seat is enough to satisfy out thirst for photography. Not for Mike Kelley, though, oh no. He camped out at some of the busiest airports in the world to photograph planes [...]

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There’s more to getting the “film look” with video than simply shooting your camera at 24 frames per second. It’s not just the colour grading, or the lens used, either. These are, of course, factors, but all components of a much greater whole. Issues other than the framerate are mostly variable. One issue that often [...]

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First reported bySwedish newspaper Aftonbladet, the country’s highest court ruled on Fridaythat it is now illegal to fly drones with attached cameras in public places as they qualify as surveillance cameras. It’s a huge blow to Sweden’s hobbyist drone community. Hobbyists in Sweden are understandably upset, and the initial reactions are about as would be [...]

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A long time ago I was a young art student, being told about the Rule Of Thirds. I was told its one of the most important fundamentals of art and photography, as it helps you get the right composure in your images. Overlay a tic-tac-toe/noughts and crosses grid over your image and crop or move [...]

The post Why The Golden Ratio Is Better Than The Rule Of Thirds appeared first on... more

Two things happened to lead to this portrait, a last minute reschedule from a client and a mess around in Set.A.Light 3D Studio. Then it hit me, I could create an idea of a shoot in the program. Then walk downstairs and copy the setup and boom. Sorted. After loadingup Set.A.Light and placing down the [...]

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Photographing wildlife of deeply contrasting colors, such as black bears or white waterfowl, can present certain challenges setting up shots that are properly exposed for the wildlife and also the surroundings. Harsh lighting also makes exposing for these subjects especially difficult. The hurdle to overcome in these cases is to expose for the subject animal(s) properly and still capture a scene that is pleasing to the viewer. What often results are images where the exposure is correct for... more

Off-camera flash is a key technique that can really differentiate your photography style and make you and your imagery appear more professional. The tools needed to achieve off-camera flash are relatively simple, consisting of just a flash unit and a cord or triggers to connect the flash to your camera. While a cord is by far the cheapest and most straightforward option, it’s also inconvenient since it physically binds you to your camera. Wireless triggers are a simpler solution, but... more

It seems that amazon is everywhere. After conquering books, retail, TV, having a go with groceries, Amazon is now going for another market – prints. In a post to Amazon’s blog, the retail giant shares that they will offer 4×6 prints for $0.09, photo books starting at $19.99 and double sided cards for $0.75. With [...]

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What if you could have a keychain sized gadget that will always help you set a timelapse triggering scheme to your Canon? Ilya Titov asked that very same question which led him to hack an Affinity arcade kit into a Canon remote. This is not the first time Ilya is tampering with Canon remotes, he [...]

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As a photographer, you might have noticed that photo walks are all the rage these days. Whether it’s an event run through or, or a more involved workshop from a teacher that you follow, photo walks are one of the best ways to see a place and to improve your photography.

NYC photo walk featuring dPS Managing Editor Darlene as my guest (I’m in the front row... more
